Warning, Disclaimer & a Message to my readers

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This book contains a lot of content that may be uncomfortable and/or triggering for readers. Read at your own risk.

This book contains: the usage of drugs and alcohol, abuse, sexual assault, self-harm and suicide.


The purpose of this book is NOT and I repeat NOT to romanticize self-harm, suicide, drug addiction or any of the like. I wrote this book souly to bring light to the different ways we deal with our problems and to raise awareness to the things I write about.

A message to my readers.

While this may not be a comfortable book to read, I advise that you challenge yourself to read it anyway. Things like the events in this story happen to people every day.

If you or someone you know are dealing with a drug/alcohol problem, sexual abuse, self-harm or suicide or anything of the likes please don't be afraid to talk to someone about it. I've included a few numbers and links in the next part for you (or anyone) to use if you are going through something. My inbox is always open as well although I am not a professional. I'm here to talk to anyone if you need someone to talk to (or just an ear to listen). Events like these are not to be taken lightly.

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