Chapter 3

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I knock on the door then carefully push it open once I hear the deep voice telling me to 'come in'. The principal's office is big and cozy. There are wooden bookshelves on either sides of the walls, black leather couches under each shelf and a matching armchair beside them, the desk is a huge thick cherrywood one with a built in cup holder. On top of it stands many different things including, a pencil holder, a globe, a stack of papers, a stack of books, a cup of coffee, a box of donuts, and some bob heads and trophies. There's also a big box of things on the floor next to his desk and a chair in front of it. On the wall behind the desk is a huge window and some posters. The lighting in this room is wonderfully warm but I'm way too used to this room and its familiarity to enjoy the light of coziness.
"Sit down miss Hills." Mr. Grover says not even bothering to be polite. He's a real ass hole. I've dealt with him too many times to know that. He's an unfair lying son of a bitch.
I sit down and drum my hands on my thighs waiting for him to speak.
"What happened to your face?" He asks using his middle finger to point, of I didn't know any better I'd say he's doing that on purpose but I know him well enough to know it's just a habit. I shrug and answer.
"What normally happens to my face mr. Grover?" I state sarcastically and he tells me to 'watch it'. I just shrug again and rock sideways until the door opens again and I turn around in my seat to see who it is. Luckily it's just Adrian he smiled at me and takes a seat on the couch across from me. I finally get to get a good look at him. His wavy warm red hair reaches below his waist. He has sharp features and a strong jawline. His eyes are a deep dark blue a bit downturned average sized. Thick sleek warm red brows. A small long bridged nose with a sharp tip. The top of his nose and his cheeks were extremely red. I'd say he has an inverted triangle face shape. He is extremely hansom without a doubt. And the little red stubble on his chin just topped it all off. It was hardly there, still growing but noticeable.
I hadn't even realized I was starting until he smiled at me with his perfect thin red naturally frowning lips. The left side of his mouth turning up a bit and the right side turning down. I felt the heat raise up in my cheeks and tried to smile back. I wonder what happened to his face. There were many scars there but the huge one starting from his right ear ending just below his lip was definitely standing out from all the others. It even looked like he had stitches for it.
I hear mr. Grover clear his throat and force my eyes off of the beautiful boy sitting in front of me. We both look over at the principle. He just gave us a huge fake grin and then turned to his laptop and started typing away.
"Well, what is it you called me for sir? I was in the middle of class." Adrian said in a monotone causing me to frown a bit, the tone was very different than the one he used with me earlier but very familiar to the one he used with my bullies. He seemed to have his guard up for some reason. And no, not the guard that you'd have when you're about to approach your bullies or even the kind that you have up when you're afraid of being out alone really late at night or something. This was something else I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"I'm waiting for three other students... Gladden was it? Watch it with me kid. I don't tolerate disrespect." Mr Grover said giving full attention to the boy across from me. Adrian just nodded.
Finally the door opened again and in came Britney Tom and Frank. I held my breath and sat up straight. Britney threw me a sly smile and sat next to me with Tom beside her and Frank sat on the other couch with Adrian. Adrian turned to him and lifted his left eyebrow -that was split do to one of his scars- and stared at him with a look on his face that I couldn't read. He was obviously confused as to why Frank sat next to him. Frank gave him a smirk and turned to me making a "sad face" then pointing to my face. I felt like I wanted to vomit from the smell of Britney's strong perfume.
"I hear you all got into another fight today?" the principal says finally taking his attention off of his laptop.
"Well it's not really called a fight when it's one-sided" Adrian stated
"What did I tell you kid? Watch it." Mr. Grover warned and then turned to Frank "what happened to your arm? It wasn't broken when I saw you this morning." He asked.
"I broke it." Adrian said before Frank could even open his mouth. I mentally smiled at him for his bravery.
"I thought you said this was one sided."the principle noted. Adrian nodded and said "it was until I got there. Ask Lana what happened." Mr. Grover gave him a look and turned to me asking what happened.
I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and answered "I was getting something from my locker and Britney and all of her little bitches started picking on me, then Tom knocked me into my locker an..." I started but he cut me off before I can finish
"Is this true Thomas?" He asked as if I'd lie. Tom looked at me and smirked
"Yes but only because her little murdirrer put Tyler in the hospital." He said. I swallowed the lump in my throat again and clenched my jaw ripping the couch. I took a deep breath and looked back at the principle. I don't even know why I'm waisting my time here because I already know how this ends. The ones in the wrong get away with with their wrong doing and I have to clean the women's bathroom for "causing trouble".
"Proceed Hills" he tells me and I correct him "it's Lana." I say
"He started punching me and shit then this bitch" I say pointing to Britney, she puckers out her lips and bat her fake lashes at me. I roll my eyes and proceed "starts to scratch me, I pushed her and she slapped me with her heel. They started to say horrible things about my family." I say mentally punching myself in the face for letting my voice crack and the tears slip out of my eyes showing my weakness. the principle has the nerve to chuckle and ask me what it was they said about my family that hurts me so much. I stand up and look him straight in the eyes telling him to fuck himself straight to hell.
"We only said what is true mr. Grover. That her mom is a slut and her brother's a murdirrer." Britney said standing beside me. I held my breath and bit my lip. Frank now stood and said "I told her how I found her mother sucking on my father's..." He started but a fist colliding with the desk cut him off. We all tuned to see a fuming Adrian "this is bullshit!" He yelled staring Frank in the eyes then he turned to the adult in the room "what kind of principle are you? Your a dick." He said in his monotone.
Mr. Grover straightened himself in his seat and told everyone to 'cut the crap' and sit back down
"From what I understand Lana, you caused this for yourself as usual although nevertheless, Britney Frank and Tom, you all are wrong. Gladden, this is your first day here and you seem to have gotten yourself in trouble already." He paused and gave Adrian a long stare. "Punishment. For the three of you" he pointed to Britney and her two friends with benefits, that's a first for sure and I can't say I'm not pleased "pick a classroom to clean and clean it. And the two of you." He said pointing to Adrian and I "I want the men's and women's restrooms spotless, clean the library and the hallways and the cafeteria." He gave us an evil smile. I looked at Adrian who was shaking his head in disbelief. Well if he wasn't going to say anything than I will! I stood up and slammed my palms on the desk bending over a little "fuck. you. ass. hole!" I said shaking my head. He lifted his head and tilted it a little "no prom for you either miss Hills." He smiled I throw the same smile back at him and tell him I wasn't planning on a prom anyway.
"Clean the yard too." He tells me. I just turned around and gave him the finger heading to the door. I hear him telling everyone to 'dismiss'
"Oh and Lana?" He says just as I turn the handle. I stop but don't turn around "try not to get so angry when people state the truth. Your mother gave me a really good time to keep you in this school you know. I'd say those are traits of a whore." He says. I hear everyone laugh except for Adrian. I yell one more 'fuck you' and storm out of that hell. I storm down the halls and out of the school. Down the stairs and off the yard. Into the streets. I'm so angry and hurt. I'm embarrassed, how could he say that in front of everyone?! In front of Adrian? Oh my god I feel so low, so worthless and just... Small. I feel like nothing. For a moment there I thought that maybe I found a new friend and the rest of school wasn't going to be so bad but that damned principle had to ruin things for me. How could my mother have even slept with him?! Why did she do these things? Why? Why? Why? Why? Couldn't she just be a great mother and take care of us how ever mothers took care of their children and find someone go take care of her the way a women should be taken care of? Was love even real? My mother needs someone to show her another way. I understand that she didn't want us to begin with but she didn't have to make our lives a living hell neither. God, I hate her sometimes! Fuck! Why does life have to be so complicated?
My vision is blurry and I can't hear a thing but all the shouting and screaming voices in my head which means I didn't see that I was in the middle of a busy street nor did I see nor hear the big moving truck speeding at me nor the familiar voice shouting my name.

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