Chapter 2

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I jump to my feet to stop my brother from pounding Tyler's face in. His knuckles were bloody and his eyes bloodshot red. "Put another fucking finger on my sister and I'm going to kill you!" He spat and allowed me to pull him off of the bloody Tyler. "Oh my god!" I cried when I saw Tyler's face. It was all bloody and swollen and one of his eyes were stuck closed. How did Jace manage to do that in just a few seconds? He was barley breathing and I heard screams from all around the yard. They were all yelling things like 'murdirrer' and 'freak'. I covered my mouth with my hand and pulled my brother away. His breathing was so heavy and fast and I could hear his heart thumping against his chest. He wasn't afraid at all. He was angry. "Get out of here Jace!" I warned him when I heard the sirens. Jace just looked down at me and shook his head. what did he mean? "What the fuck Jace?! Get out of here!" I yelled at him but he still didn't move. "I'm not wrong Lana. I don't have to run." He told me. Even though I knew he was right I still knew that he needed to get out of here. It didn't matter weather or not he was wrong. The police always find a way to point the blame on him and get him in trouble. I shook my head "that doesn't matter. You know that Jace. They're still going to find a way to lock you up!" I let my tears fall freely and I'm sure my eyeliner is running down my face causing me to look like shit but I don't care. It was going to happen sooner or later. Jace still didn't budge. "Get. Out. Of. Here. Jace!" I tried to push him but he still didn't move. "Oh my god!" I cried as I saw the police men walking towards us. I didn't want to lose my brother again. I had just got him back.
"Jace Hill." The man in the uniform said shaking his head as he approached us. "Go to class Lana." Jace told me and I shook my head. "No. Officer my brother was only..." I started but the rude man snickered and cut me off telling me to listen to my brother and go to class. "No you fucking son of a bitch!" I yelled at him and Jace warned me to leave giving his look. "Ass hole!" I said to the officer and spat at his feet then gave Jace the finger and walked away wiping my tears.

"You're late miss Hill." My math teacher stated and gave me his look. I just rolled my eyes and turned around. Everyone was laughing and whispering things about me. I already knew that I looked terrible. I didn't have time to fix my eyeliner and honestly I don't care. The mess on my face is nothing compared to the mess within. I started walking toward my normal seat in the back of the classroom but it's taken by a boy with very long wavy warm red hair. His head is down but I know it's a boy by his arms. He's dressed in ripped skinny jeans and a plain black T'shirt. He has a full sleeve of colored tattoos on his left arm. The laughter grows louder as I stand there awkwardly. I hear mr. Raymond tell everyone to be quite and salve the problem on the board.
"Miss Hill, sit at my desk while I go get you a seat." He said and left the room. I slowly made my way back to the front of the classroom and stood awkwardly waiting for mr. Raymond to bring a seat back for me. Sitting at his desk would be a lot more awkward.
"Hey Lana! Who shitted on your face?" I hear Derrick yell but I keep my head down and try to ignore him. Everyone laughed with him except for the new boy who stole my seat. I don't even think he was paying attention to anything. He was sketching something in his note book and his other hand was balled into a tight fist his knuckles were turning white.
"Everyone quiet down! You have five minutes to salve the problem." My teacher said placing the table and chair he brought back beside his desk. I took a seat and let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. "You too Lana." He told me "five minutes." I nodded and took out my books placing my homework on his desk.

"Hey slut!" Tom said knocking me into my locker. "Stop." I whisper almost unheard. He just laughed and pushed me again. "Britney!" He called "isn't this bitch the reason your boyfriends in the hospital?" He gave me a sly smirk the next thing I know I'm being punched in the face and knocked to the ground. "Bitch!" I hear Britney screaming while her nails constantly scratch at my face. I push her of and stand up slowly. "leave me the fuck alone!" I yell and push her into Frank. "Big mistake whore." She smiles and take off her heels slapping me in the face with it. "Leave me alone!" I try to yell but it comes out a cry. they all just laugh. "How about we make her look just like her murdirrer of a brother made Tyler look boys?" She said turning to Tom and then Frank. They both nodded and stepped closer to me knocking me down and punching me. "Your moms a whore Ya know?" Tia one of Britney's followers spoke "what was it you caught her doing Tommy?"
Tom laughed lifted me off of my back. "Oh yea. I caught you're mom giving my dad head in my living room last night." He said and squatted beside me shaking his head. "You're a slut just like your mom." He laughed and squeezed my face hardly. "Moms a prostitute, brothers a murdirrer, I wonder what your father is." Frank laughed then started kicking me in the ribs repeatedly. I didn't say or do anything. Just sat there letting my tears fall freely.
"Well what are you waiting for? Her face doesn't look like Tyler's to me." Britney said twirling her raven hair around her fingers staring at me dead in the eyes. Frank nods and lifts his hand to punch me again and I close my eyes but his fist never connects with my face. Instead I hear him yelling "what the fuck?!" After screaming 'aw'. I open my eyes and see that new boy twisting his arm with his hand on his fist. Tom laughs and says "believe me we're not an enemy you want to make kid." The boy just chuckled sarcastically and kicked him in the torso knocking him down and then twisting Frank's arm some more I heard the bone break causing him to scream. "Get out of here." He said calmly to Britney and her little followers. "Let's go guys." She said then looked at him then me saying "this isn't over." Before she walked away. Tom scattered to his feel and helped the crying Frank up to his feet. He spat at the boy before he walled away. The boy bent over and helped me up then handed me my books that were all over the place.
"Thank you." Said looking down too ashamed to look at him
"It was nothing... Sorry for taking your seat, I had no idea." He said reaching his hand past me to close my locker but it caused me to jump. "Sorry." He said again
"For what? It's fine." I say embarrassed. My body aches and I need to get to the bathroom to freshen up but I do want to be rude.
"I didn't mean to scare you." He says. I just shake my head afraid that if I open my mouth to speak it'll turn into a pathetic cry. "I'm Adrian, by the way." He says and holds his hand out. "Lana." I say in a low voice and shake his hand but keep my head down. I hear him scratching his head, probably because this is as awkward for him as it is for me.
"Um, I don't mean to be rude Adrian but uh, I-I-I I really n-need to go t-to the bathroom-room. It was really nice meeting y-you. Thank y-you f-for... Th-thank you." I manage to say without breaking down.
"Oh, of course. Go ahead. Nice meeting you too. Be careful." He says and I walk away without another word. I pathetically limp my way down the halls and into the bathroom praying that I don't meet Britney or any of her little minions on the way or there.
Thankfully the bathroom is empty when I get there. I walk over to the sinks and dare to look in the mirror. My hair is no longer in a messy bun, it's messily all over the place instead. My face is too bloody to see the bruises. I grip onto the sink and hold my breath to stop myself from crying but it doesn't work and I break down into loud uncontrollable sobs. "God help me!" I keep repeating. Minutes later I hear the door open so I pull myself together and turn on the water to wash my face. "Lana?" I hear Tia's soft voice and I quickly wipe the water over my face carefully. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know it would go this far..." She said. I turned around to look her in the eyes. She couldn't be serious! "It's nothing new Tia! It always goes this far and sometimes further! You already know that! You're just too into being popular to care who gets hurt, as long as you're famous right?!" I yell. She covers her mouth with her hands and has the audacity to start crying as if she's the one who's been hurt! "I'm so sorry!" She cries. Wow, she must be stupider than I thought if she thinks that a simple apology is going to fix everything. I just laugh and shake my head telling her to go fuck herself. There's no way in hell I'm ever going to forgive that bitch. Not only did she bully and say horrible things about me, but she brought my family into this. I don't care how much I dislike my mother at times, she's my mother and I love her no matter what. I fully understand why she treats us he way she does. My mother has her own demons to slay.
"Tia? You there?" I hear Rose -another one of Britney's minions- call from behind the door.
"Yea hold on! Just touching up my makeup!" Tia calls back.
I turn back around and continue to wash my face. Tia stands beside me and washes her perfect tear stained face then touches up her makeup and leaves.
I look at the girl in the mirror. Her face is destroyed. Bloody scratches fill her cheeks, both of her eyes are black and the left one is swollen, her lip is busted and cut in three different places, a huge purple bruise litters he right jaw, she looks terrible. I look terrible. I take a deep breath and rinse the blood out of my neon hair then braid it in one long corn braid to the side.
"Britney Winter, Frank Frey, Tom Frost, Lana Hills and Adrian Gladden please report to the principles office." I hear a voice repeat over the intercom three time causing me to curse under my breath. I take one last glance at the girl in the mirror before I grab my bag and pull the door open. All eyes fall on me and I hear people gasp and whisper. I hold my breath and head the the principals.

Crooked Smiles (unedited)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum