Chapter 1

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Lana's POV
School this year like every year sucked! I was pushed around. Dragged down the halls. Yelled at. Picked on. Called names and even had my head stuffed down a toilet least week! I hated it. I am so sick and tired of being pushed around stepped on and taken advantage of. I stand up for myself, sure... But, obviously, the bullies are A LOT stronger than I am. The weekend had been great and I dreaded going to school today. I already knew how my day was going to go, from beginning to end. After all it's been the same for eight years.

I groaned and threw my pillow aside stoping my alarm. The sun wasn't completely up yet so my room was still sorta dark. Especially with the dark posters all over the place. "Fuck!" I screamed and threw my other pillow. I hopped out of bed and slipped into my flip flops.
"Lana?" My brother Jace asked loudly opening my room door without knocking hitting me in the head with it. "Oh sorry baby sis! What's wrong?" He asked placing a hand on my head
"Nothing." I faked a smile and headed to the bathroom.
I freed myself from my clothing after adjusting the shower and then stepped in after brushing my teeth. The water was nice and hot against my aching body. It seemed to be washing away all of my anxiety and emotional wreck. I just stood there for a while, listening to the sound of the water hitting my body and the tub. I found peace in that sound. Soon the water wasn't so hot so I had to hurry up and shampoo my hair and scrub my body down. Once I was done I rinsed my hair and let the sower rinse my body then stepped out and wrapped myself in my towel. I looked in the mirror and shook my head at my appearance. The purple bruise on my left eye was slightly better than yesterday but it was still there and it looked bad. The cut in my lip was still there and it sure as hell still hurt too. My yellow and green hair was its natural chestnut brown at the roots. The natural blush I normally had in my cheeks and nose seemed to be faded and my skin was pale. It almost looked grey. I frowned and opened up the door leading myself back to my beautiful room covered in posters of bands and quotes from roof to walls reminding me that I'm not alone. I blow dried my hair and put it in a messy bun then changed into my clothes. Scull and crossbones black and grey tights under a dark blue pair of denim shorts with a "all time low" band tee and a bunch of rubber bracelets, nothing fancy. Why should I even try to dress up when I'm going to look like shit by the end of the day? I headed downstairs to the kitchen go have a quick breakfast.
"Sup sis? You look... Awesome." My brother smiled at me. I smiled back at him and mumbled a 'thanks'. Jace is the only one who seems to like my style while everyone else thinks I dress like I find my clothing in a dumpster.
"Please. She looked like a homeless child!" My mother spat eyeing me. I just rolled my eyes and got a milk carton from the fridge. Jace laughed and said "well maybe you should start to treat her like she has a home."
I saw my mother eye him and give him the finger before sticking her face back into that stupid fashion magazine. Jace put his hand on my shoulder and told me I looked grate.
"Don't you dare put your mouth to that carton!" My mother said right as I was lifting the milk to my mouth. I rolled my eyes at her and started contemplating on whether or not I should do it just to agitate her or obey her for my own good. "Yes ma'am." I said and turned around to get a cup from the cabinet. Jace took the carton from me and put it to his mouth spilling milk down his chin as he did so. I laughed and handed him a bowl and spoon for his cereal. "fuck you Jace Hill." My mother chuckled and Jace mumbled an 'ummh hum' while I playfully punched him on the shoulder telling him not to push it.
I had a bowl of cereal and the rest of the carton of milk that Jace didn't finish then headed back upstairs to finish getting ready for school. I put heavy black eyeliner around my eyes and put my lip and eyebrow piercings back in and neon green ankle socks before slipping into my grey studded converses and throwing my bag over my shoulder. I grabbed my red leather jacket from the hook behind my door and headed out downstairs and out the door for school.
"Not so fast Lana! I'm on my way hold on!" I hear Jace call from upstairs. I smile and call back "alright I'll be waiting outside!"
I hear my mom mumbling 'ass holes' before I shut the door but I'm used to it so it doesn't really bother me.
I sat on the steps at our front door and plugged my earphones in my ears and shift through the songs on my iPod. I select a old song by "needtobreath" and bob my head and drum my fingers on my thighs while I wait for Jace. That boy is such a turtle. He's going to make me late for school but honestly I don't mind. The breeze out here is wonderful! The sun is now fully out peeking behind the houses causing a beautiful temperature with the morning breeze. I look up at the blue sky and the white clouds. It's beautiful. I could stare at it all day!
"Sorry sis! I'm ready." Jace said stumbling out the door tying his sneakers. I smiled up at him and held my hand out for the keys. His wild chocolate brown hair was all over his head. He smile down at me and suddenly I felt joy wash over me. Jace has always been here for me. He cuts this unexplainable smile onto my face. He's my everything. The three years he spent in juvie were the worst three years of both of our lives.
"Lana?" He asked with worry lacing in his voice
"Hum?" A smiled wider
"You ok?" His poison ivy eyes stared into my marble green ones full of concern. I snatched the keys from him and mumbled 'yea I'm great actually.' He playfully nudged me and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder causing me to scream. "Jace!" I yelled "you almost gave me a heart attack!".
"Oh shut up drama queen and be grateful I didn't." He laughed and put me down in front of his jeep. "Wanna drive?" He asked me. I felt my eyes grow wide as if they were going to pop out of my head. "Shut up!" I punched him. "Just promise not to kill us. I really wanna see the next episode to the walking dead." He joked. "fuck you!" I laughed and opened the door. Jace climbed into the passenger seat and I got in the driver seat.
"Good luck." He told me as I started the engine. I just smiled like an idiot as I slowly backed out of the parking lot and followed every one of Jace's steps to driving.

Thankfully we arrived at my school safety and I drove the entire way! Jase said I was a bit wobbly but that I was great for my first time.
"It gets easier." Jace smiled at me. I laughed and joked saying "we're alive!"
Jace laughed along with me then his smile dropped and sadness seemed to take over him. "What's wrong Jay?" I frowned. He lifted his hand and brushed his thumb lightly over the bruise on my eye. I let a tear fall from my eyes and took his hands in mine.
"I'm going to be fine." I told him and faked a smile. It touches my heart that he cares about me so much. My parents couldn't care less. Jace has been like my mother father best friend and brother my entire life. He shook his head and his breathing became rapid. "stop lying to me Lana!" He yelled at me "you're not ok. You haven't been for years and I'm starting to think that probably you'll never be!" He was angry, not at me but at the world. At life.
"Jace." I tried to sound convincing. I couldn't allow him to get so worked up about something that wasn't his fault. I know him well enough to know that he's blaming himself "I'm fine." I told him and at this moment it wasn't a lie, I was great. I never felt better. I was here with the one person in my life that mattered. Jace.
He just shook his head at me. "Stop lying Lana!" He warned me. I can tell his temper was rising. I shook my head . "I'm not lying Jace. I'm sitting in the car with the best person in the world worrying about me. Do you know how proud I am?! No one can take this pride from me. No matter how many punches and kicks I get. That's one thing they can't take from me. You're mine Jace. Nothing makes me happier!" I beamed at him. My face was aching from now wide my stupid grin was. Jace smiled "really?" He asked. "Of course not dude! I'm just glad that I got to drive this baby." I joked letting go of his hand and rubbed the steering wheel. Jace laughed and nudged me. I laughed along.
"Go kick some ass!" he told me and leaned over to open the car door for me. I smiled at my brother and nodded.
"Bye!" I said and jumped out of the car
"No kisses?" Jace asked a faked a frown. I laughed and stood on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek. Jace kissed me back on my forehead and shut the door telling me to 'be safe.' I just nodded and chuckled.
As soon as I stepped onto the yard I head Tyler's voice "nice outfit twig!" He laughed. "You're murdirrer of a brother dropped you off today I see." His group laughed with him and I tried to keep my temper but I felt my blood boiling. How dare he talk about my brother like that?! Keep walking and ignore them. Keep walking and ignore them! I kept telling myself. "Your mom's a whore Ya know" Britney commented holding her boyfriends hand. it took everything in me not to go over to them and punch their faces in but I had to keep walking. I already know what will happen to me if I did that because truth be told; they're all stronger than me. The next thing I know I'm being knocked to the ground with a big foot on my stomach. And just as fast I see a fist connect with Tyler's jaw knocking him down.

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