Chapter 7

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Kenny walked me to my next class and disappeared off to God knows where. There is no point to sitting in this class being as though I already missed more than half of it. I block out whatever it is my health teacher is talking about and let my mind wander.

I feel sick. I can't believe I ate half a burger and fries plus the soda. I feel fat and ugly. Why did Kenny have to force that on me? I love him with all my heart and more. But he just doesn't get it. He doesn't understand. I know he only wants what's best for me but he's only making things worst. Well at least he is in my mind. I know that the rest of the world would agree with him against me.

I need to throw it up. I need to get rid of it so that I can feel better. I get up from my seat and speed toward the door ignoring my health teacher's call.

As soon as I get to the hall I hear yelling and a string of curse words.

"What the hell!"I hear Britney screaming on the mixture of other voices and cries. "Mess with Lana again and it'll be you're neck!" A deep and dark voice growls. Kenny. I run to the main hall. There's a crowd of people watching and taking pictures but also keeping their distance. I hear a lot of whispering and gasps. Some people are even laughing. I push through the crowd and freeze in my tracks. Kenny has a grip of Tom's arm. It's twisted in a weird direction and I'm no doctor but I know it's broken. Tom's eyes are wide with fear and he's covered in sweat. Kenny's other hand is wrapped tight around Frank's neck and he's turning purple.

"Kenny stop!" I finally find my scenes to scream. I run to him and pull on his hand trying to free Frank from his grip. Kenny looks at me and let's go of the both of them. Tom falls to his knees and holds his broken arm. Frank bends over gasping for air while coughing rapidly. "I got this Lana." Kenny tells me and turns to Britney. I just watch. I know he won't do anything to crazy and honestly they all deserve it. I can't say that I'm not scared shitless inside though. I am. Even though I know Kenny can handle this I'm afraid he might go too far or even get himself in trouble with the cops for bothering "minors" although there's only a year between them.

"Don't think that because you're a girl I won't get your fucking head straight." He says taking small steps to her. Britney chuckles pushing her luck. "What's so funny?" Kenny asks standing right above her. She looks at him and smiles "what, you think you can come here for a day and scare us all away from your girl walk away and the next day will be all peaches and cream?" She snickers. I watch Kenny furrow his brows in confusion. "Well you're in for a big surprise." She continues "Lana's a bitch. She can't stand up for herself. And as soon as you disappear back into you're little wold of wherever the hell it is your sorry ass is when your girlfriend's getting beat into a blood bag, she'll be getting her head slammed into lockers and her head stuffed down toilets all over again." She finishes. Kenny is red and his fists are clenched at his sides. I can tell he wants to hurt her. "Is that so?" He chuckles. I love and hate seeing Kenny like this. So serious and intimidating. The very opposite from his everyday self.

If looks could kill Britney would have dropped dead the second he glared over at her when first opened her mouth. Kenny keeps his dark eyes burning holes in Britney's hazel ones while she dares to stair back. "Here's what I think, Amanda." Kenny says getting Britney's name wrong. He steps dangerously closer never moving his eyes from hers. His jaw is still clenched and he looks as if he's ready to kill her. I've seen that look before. Not on Kenny though. My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach and my eyes are wide. I feel nauseous. "Either you take my advice and walk away without a mark on your perfect body, or you try me and watch me make the rest of your life a living hell. Bitch believe me my threats aren't empty. Try me if you like." He says giving her a sly side smirk at the end. I know Kenny well enough to know his dark side. And I know he'll do whatever it is he has in mind to destroy this girls life.

Britney smiles at him and places her palms on his chest in attempt to push him back but he doesn't bulge. She gets angry and slaps him in the face telling him that he can try whatever the fuck he wants but she'll make sure I don't go home tonight until I've tried to kill myself. Kenny's eyes darken and he grabs her wrists and pushes her against the wall pinning her arms above her. She whimpers and her eyes grow wide. I feel sick. I hate seeing Kenny so violent. I know this kind of stuff reminds him of his childhood and he's going to be dark and gloomy for days. I can tell by the look in his eyes that his childhood is playing like a movie on time laps in front of him.

"Kenny, come on. Forget her." I tell him but he ignores me. "What are you goanna do?" Britney asks "huh?" She pushes. "I know you wouldn't hurt me. You don't seem like the type." She smirks.  "Maybe not physically." Kenny says "but there are a lot of ways I can ruin you. Ways I can make you wish you were never born." I hated the words that escaped his mouth. I know Britney can be evil but you never know what goes on behind closed doors, even if she is that perfect girl with the perfect life, no one deserves to feel like their existence is worthless. Not even Britney. "Kenny." I whisper in tears. His grip around her wrists tighten and then he lets her go. Britney's wrists are red. She eyes him and then walks away narrowing her eyes at me. "Anybody else!" Kenny yells looking Tia straight in the eyes and I can see she's scared. She shakes her head and runs off crying. Knowing her she probably pissed her pants. "Anybody else!?" Kenny asked again looking around at the crowd. Everyone walks off leaving Kenny and I alone in the halls. I just stare at him. He looks at me and pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry." He says "I know you hate seeing me like that." I just nod and cry into his chest. "Kenny..." I start "you don't have to do this. I can stand up for myself." I lie and Kenny pulls me away for a bit. He looks into my eyes and his eyes lighten back into their normal brown. He smiles at me and tells me that we both know that isn't true.

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