Chapter 6

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I examine myself in the mirror. My make up is still covering the majority of bruises but it needs to be touched up. I take out my concealer and apply some more of it under my eyes and on my cheeks then I apply a little blush and more eyeliner. I hate the feeling of too much makeup but I had to do it today to cover my bruises and make myself look alive. I apply Chapstick and fluff my hair a bit then stare at my reflection. Why do I look like a ghost? The girl in the mirror is prettier than the one I see looking back at me every day, but she still looks terrible. Like there's something dead inside. And there is.

I put my make up away and cover my right eye with my hair. I can feel myself getting ready to cry so I take a deep breath and look away.

The door opens and I look up to see who it is. Luckily for me it's only Noor. She smiles at me and goes into a stall. Then in comes Britney. She gives me her famous smile and and stands beside me in the mirror and starts fixing up her makeup. I can feel my heart thumping faster by the second. I'm angry. And even a little jealous. Britney is pretty if I say so myself. Prettier than I'll ever be. Her long raven hair is teased and curled at the tips. Her cheeks are naturally blushed and her eyebrows are always done perfectly. She applies a little lipgloss to her full pink lips and kisses at herself in the mirror. I only realize that I'm staring when she looks at me and raises her perfectly arched brow. I can never compete with her. Everything about her is just so perfect and model like. Her hazel eyes stare back into my plain green ones and I finally break my gaze. She mumbles something but I don't even bother listening. I take another look in the mirror and wash my hands.

The door slams open causing Britney and I to jump and in comes the last face I was expecting to see. His dark brown hair naturally streaked with other shades of brown and blond roots is gathered in a ponytail holder at the back of his head. I literally scream and jump onto his torso latching my legs around his waist. "Sshh their gonna think you're being murdered lemon!" Kennedy jokes and I laugh.

"Ew! get out the girls bathroom weirdo!" Britney comments with a look I can't quite read.
"Oh my god you're here!" I say and hug him tighter. "I told you I was coming." He said hugging me back. The both of us totally ignoring Britney's comment. I jump off of him and wrap my arms around his waist looking up at him in awe. His brown eyes lock with mine and a smile spreads across his face. God he's so beautiful! " I missed you." I tell him with a pout and he laughs showing off his huge dimples and pokes at my cheeks. "I missed you more." He tells me. "Well it's your fault you decided to move to California and not take me with you." I tell him Folding my arms trying to look angry but my heart is smiling. Britney clears her throat and We look at her. She widens her eyes pushing her neck forward. "You know I'd take you with me if it was that simple lemon." Kenny tells me rubbing my arms with his large hands. "I know..." I say and hug him again. He picks me up and carries me out of the bathroom causing me to giggle. I always feel so goofy around him. He sets me down near my locker and examines my face. He sighs. I frown. "Is that makeup you're wearing lemon?" He asks. I nod. "Is it that bad?" He asks moving my hair away from my eye and tucking it behind my ear. He leaves his hand on my cheek and I close my eyes allowing a tear to slip away. "Lana" Kenny says and I look at him "they'll pay." He says. I watch his features harden and nod. "So, what now?" I ask trying to lighten up the mood. "Isn't it like lunch break or something?" Kenny asks and I nod again. He turns his back to me and tells me to hop on and I do. He walks me outside and down the street. "Where are we going?" I ask and he tells me we're going on a date. It reminds me of the time I first developed a crush on him. He was always so carefree and lived in the moment. But he was always so careful at the same time. Careful with my emotions and the way he worded things with me.he always listened carefully and never spoke until he knew it was the right time to comment. And he's never once broke my heart. Of course we fall out sometimes but no relationship is perfect. And I wouldn't have it any other way. "Can't you tell me where Kenny? I have school." I laugh. "You'll see soon enough." He tells me and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

Kenny doesn't put me down until it's time to sit. He chose the table next to the window. The one we always used to sit at as children. We're in a tiny old restraint owned by an old man and his grandson. This place was here for as long as I can remember. Me Kenny and Tia always used to hang out here after school with Tyrone the old mans grandson. Back then his father was alive and well and he used to work here during the night shift. But he passed away five years ago leaving the place to mr Kent (his father), and his son.

I miss the good ole days. Back when we didn't have a care in the world. Before everyone's life went downhill.

Kenny had ordered a huge bowl of fries and a double cheeseburger with orange soda and two bottles of water. Just like the old days. Back when everyone was so young and innocent. I smile at him and sigh. This is the best date ever.
"Just like old times huh?" I ask and he smiles. God I love his dimples! "Yup'p" he says popping the "p" and I chuckle. A pretty young lady brings us our food and smiles at Kenny. We thank her and she nods and walks away swaying her hips. She has no idea! I chuckle. "I think she's into me." Kenny jokes and I laugh "poor woman" we say at the same time. I chuckle and open up my water while Kenny cuts the burger into two. This reminds me so much of when we were younger. I sigh and look around the place. Being in here is like going back into time. Everything is still exactly the same. The dull red walls and shiny wood tables and chairs with the red accessories. The cherrywood floors and marble bar. And the warm golden lights just set it all off. I used to love this place. I guess I still do. I just never come around here anymore.

Kenny pushes my half of the burger towards me and takes a gulp of his water. I watch his Adam's apple move up and down as he gulps the water down. He catches me staring and smiles. "Aren't you gonna eat?" He asks me while putting a fry in his mouth. I nod and sip on my water. "Lana" he drags out and I know he's about to get on me about eating. I put three fries in my mouth and smile at him before he can finish. He gives me his look of approval and take a huge bite of his half a sandwich. I finish my water and have another  fry. By then Kenny is finished his sandwich and water. He's sipping on soda and eating fries at the same time and I can't help but find it cute. Watching him eat makes my stomach growl and a mentally yell at myself for craving the food in front of me. "Eat Lana." Kenny says using his deep voice and I know he's not asking. "Kenny..." I whine and he give me his look. That look he gives me when he's about to flip. I hate it when he gets angry, especially when he gets angry at me. I watch his features harden and he clenches his jaw. "Don't fucking Kenny me Lana!" He raises his voice making me feel bad which I know is exactly what he wants. "Eat now or so help me god I will force that burger down your throat!" He's fuming now and I want to cry. He doesn't understand. It's not just that simple. I can't just bite a burger, chew it up and swallow it then go back to jolly me. He doesn't know what it's like to feel this way. "It's not that simple." I whisper. Why does everyone he have to push it? "Damn right it is!" He yells causing the couple at the other end of the restaurant to look at us. "Please Lana." He lowers his voice and his features soften. I watch his eyes narrow as the tears spill. I hate seeing him this way. I hate knowing that I'm doing this to him. But I just can't do it. "I can't" I tell him and he looks up at me, tears staining his face. "Then let me feed you." He says and I blush. I shake my head. Kenny picks up my half of the burger and presses it to my mouth. I keep my mouth shut tight and he huffs and squeezes my cheeks with his other hand. He stuffs part of the burger in my mouth and breaks it off then holds my mouth shut. He tells me that he won't let my mouth go until I chew and swallow it. I'm full on tears now and I can tell Kenny wants to start crying again but he doesn't. "Just swallow it and this'll all be over" he tells me and I shake my head. Kenny pinches my nose while holding my mouth shut stopping me from breathing. Now he's  in tears. He keeps apologizing and telling me to swallow if I want to breath. I can see the pain in his eyes as he does so. I chew the burger and swallow it and Kenny lets me go. He hugs me and I cry on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Lemmon but you gotta eat." He tells me. I don't hate him for what he did. I know he's only trying to look after me but he doesn't get it. I just nod and take the rest of the burger he's handing me. I hate myself even more after every bite. Kenny watches me carefully and feeds me french fries. I drink my soda and get up to use the bathroom. He stops me knowing all too well what I'm about to do. "You have school miss." He tells me and takes me by the hand. "No bathrooms unless you have to pee and I'll be right outside the stall making sure that's exactly what you're doing." He says and knowing him he's not joking. I nod and we walk away and make our way back to school. I'm already about a half hour late but to be honest I don't care. I just want to get home and cry myself to sleep.

Crooked Smiles (unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora