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I knocked on the door " you found out I was right". I said " I'm sorry it's just someone said you had a ugly bald headed bitch sneaking out ya house at night. And Ian bald" I put emphasis on someone and looked at Amaya. He caught on and gave in "Ight baby come in". I jumped on the couch and chose something to watch. "I try to tell you multiple times I'm not here to hurt you Ight. Lemme show you". "Yo short tail too cute to be catching those attitudes all the time". I nodded and took my jacket off

*Vonni POV*
I swear to Bob hella stuff went through my mind when she took that jacket off. She had on a tight crop top. I wish I could do something with her but I'm doing work on this one.

*Ti POV*
He looked me up and down and made me feel conscious. "Whaaaaa" I said cus he was staring. "Sorry you just so beautiful" he said it so genuine. "Aw thanks boo". "Do you wanna be mine?"  Before I could answer. "I been wanting you since I got here like four months ago and" I cut him off so fast wit a kiss "yes Vonni I will be ya girlfriend" I rolled my eyes and sat back down. I turned on Star. This my show yo. I know every song on this show. I got up and was singing and everything. He put me on his snap. "Bae sing it" I was geeked for real. I sat down cus I was tired then Vonni freaking kissed me. "Stawp I'm sweatyyy" he said "wrong word." I was confused "sexy is the right word". I blushed and turned on the next episode. "Babygirl I'm finna go get some popcorn". I nodded and got on my phone cus this episode is boring buh I like the songs. Yesss my song was on I was getting it. Yo I was throwing that ass back. Before I knew it Vonni was behind me dancing and all on my booty. I was still killing it. I stopped and was like " boyaahhh I was getting it". He laughed and said "oh I know you was" and was humping the air and allat. I couldn't help buh laugh. A hour or so passed and his Mom came in. He looked scared. He put a blanket over me. "Who the hell is that Giavonni" his mom asked surprised. "My girlfriend mom" she rolled her eyes. "Spell girlfriend. This is what got you caught up last year." She turned around without saying a word to me. Rude ass. I took it upon myself to leave. Vonni gave me a kiss and closed my car door. I just remembered I have to go get something to eat because my mom is still on 72 hour suicide watch.

5 months later: I'm finna graduate eleventh grade and life is great. I'm living with my bestfriend for right now I'm moving on to the twelfth grade in a healthy relationship of five months. I can't wait for this summer. I'm eighteen so I'm legal. I can do bout anything. Vonni and I have hella plans. I can't wait. [Queen.Ti (B.B.cici dm request)] I clicked on it. What does her tail want now. "Don't think cus y'all together now means you safe bih cus I will rock ya ass anytime" she is goofy. No one is worried bout her. "Oh okay" I typed and left Instagram. I felt my phone buzz "girl you scary🤣" that's where she had me messed up. "No I'm just not worried cus u walked past me ten minutes ago and I'm untouched. Plus I would like to think you're a little bit smarter than that. Cus u will get jumped if you try to fight me." With that I blocked her.

First loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora