Chapter 17: Merry Christmas!

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I woke up to warm lips against my jaw. "What?" I asked groggily as I slowly sat up. 

He grinned as he ran a hand through my hair absentmindedly. "Merry Christmas." 

My mouth formed an O as I looked at him. "Merry Christmas!" How could I forget?! I tugged at his hand and began running downstairs. 

"Someone's a little eager to give me their present." 

"Who said it was for your presents?" 

He smirked. "That's a bit selfish, don't you think?" 

"Nope," I said cheekily as I popped the 'p.' 

He shook his head as he sat down next to me. "That's fine, though, because I want you to open my gift first." He handed me a small shiny box that I gladly took into my own hands.

Inside was a diamond silver heart necklace. "James, it's beautiful." My eyes got misty for some reason as I stared at it.

He grinned. "Do you like it?" he asked with a hopeful tint to his voice. 

"Like it? I love it!" I wrapped my arms around his neck as I gave him a kiss. "Thank you." 

I reached for his gift and handed it to him. "Hmm. I wonder what this is," he teased. 

Like he asked, I gave him a silver pocket watch. It had my name engraved on the back. 

"What's your name on my pocket watch for?"

I looked down at my lap. "So you will never forget me." 

He stared at me with his piercing blue eyes. "How could I ever forget you?" 

I stared at his lips for a second before I looked back up into his eyes, shrugging. He lips met mine lovingly and lingered there for a second before he stood up. 

"Should we have breakfast?"

I plastered a smile on my face. No, I'd rather stay here with you, I thought to myself. "Sure." 

He grabbed my hand as we headed to the dining room. 

After a wonderful breakfast of eggs, bacon, and hash browns, we got ready for the Christmas morning service at Westminster Abbey. 

I slipped on my white polka dot stockings and examined my green dress in the mirror. "James, do you think I look okay?" 

He scanned me with a twinkle in his eye. "You look more than okay." 

I blushed as moved some curled hair over my shoulder. "Really?"

He nodded with a genuine smile. "Really." 

I tried not to giggle as we sang Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. "What's so funny?" James whispered in my ear. 

"You really want to know?" I whispered back. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "It's your singing." 

He smiled. "I know, I'm terrible." We then continued to sing so people wouldn't start to suspect any funny business going on. 

Once the service was over, we met with the people we knew and talked. Once people started to leave, we went with his mother and family to a local French restaurant for lunch. 

Later, at night:

I took another sip of hot chocolate while I watched the fire crackle in the fireplace. I looked up at James who was looking down at me. He gave me a short and sweet kiss before staring at the fire as well. I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed. It had been a very good Christmas. 

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