Chapter 6: Friends = More Arguments

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When Isabel pulled up to our place, I ran out to greet her. We both screamed as we hugged each other. Her hair was in a pixie cut again the way she liked to have it. Her hazel eyes sparkled as she glanced around. "This is a nice place you have." 

"Thank you. Why are you all dressed up?" I teased. She rolled her eyes sweetly, which is only possible because she's Isabel. "When am I not dressed up? Besides, I was expecting a castle or something and wanted to look my best." I laughed as the butlers brought her stuff in behind us. "Come in, come meet James.." She smiled widely as I lead her to the living room. 

"James?" He looked up from the book he was reading. "This is my friend Isabel." He smiled and charmingly said, "Hello. It's nice to meet you. Maybe you can give me some tricks for keeping Nicole under control." My mouth opened wide as Isabel laughed. "I might be able to give you a few tips." 

The front door opened and shut again causing us to all frown. "Rollin let himself in." I shook my head as I watched the red haired, green eyed man cockily make his way towards us. "Hello man." They "bro hugged" before Rollin turned to me. "Nice to meet you, Nicole, you must be something special in order to get James to settle down." James laughed. "She's special alright," he mumbled sarcastically. I scowled as the group laughed while James led us to lunch. 

"So, James, what should I know about Nicole?" James smirked as I stared at him warningly. "Nicole has quite the temper, Rollin, you should be forewarned on that." He nodded. "So are you. I bet you two are quite the pair." "You have no idea." 

"So, Nicole, what should I know about James?" "He's way too immature." Rollin immediately started laughing. "You don't say." James punched him in the arm and he winced while he stroked it.

It didn't take long to find Isabel a bridesmaids dress since she looked good in everything she tried on. I chose a champagne embellished shoulder maxi dress with nude pumps for her which she loved. She's a girly girl if I didn't tell you already. 

Once we picked that up, we grabbed some tea at a local cafe. "I know you don't think so but I think James is perfect for you." I looked at her in disbelief. "Seriously, how can you say that?" She shrugged. "I don't know, you just work." 


I got out of the car and looked out at the field. The twinkling lights were being hung above the long wooden tables that had antique parisian cafe chairs with them. The burlap table runners had a little lace on the sides which helped tie in the flower arrangements and my dress. 

Before Anna had us drive out here, I had seen the flower arrangements. Not a color in sight. That made me happy. 

I bit back a laugh as I watched the poor dishwashers wash the vintage china, forks, knifes, and tea cups. With over 500 guests, I guess they had to start early. 

James suddenly grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the dance floor they had just assembled. "James what are you doing?" "Artie, do you mind if we test out this dance floor?" He smiled and shook his head. James handed him a cd. "Number seven please." "Sure thing, boss." 

As began to dance, I stared at him dumbfounded. "Are you crazy?" "Nope. Are you?" I smiled. "Noooo. Oh and a CD? Who still uses those?" He rolled his eyes as he twirled me causing me to giggle. "The cool people do." I raised my eyebrows. "Goo goo dolls. I haven't heard them since I was little." "Yeah." 

As I stared at his lips he smirked. "You might not want to kiss me." "What? I wasn't going to kiss you." "Really?" "Really." "Then why were you staring at my lips?" "I was not." "Was too." I bit my lip as I looked away from him, annoyed. 

"Still, I have bad breath from lunch so you might want to wait until bedtime. That way my breath will be fresh from brushing my teeth." "You are absurd." He laughed. "Come on, you know you wanted to," he sang. "No, I didn't," I sang back. He shrugged. "What ever helps you sleep at night." I gasped at him angrily and pulled out of his arms. "Nope. We are dancing until this song is over." I frowned as he forced me back into his arms. "You are impossible." 

"You love it," he retorted. 

If This Is It (An Arranged Marriage Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora