Chapter 31 - Ben

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The next week everything seemed to click into place.  Our daily routine has changed due to her now having a wolf.  When I wake up she usually is already awake, one morning I found her comparing our hands, mine being much bigger then hers.  When I do wake up and say ‘Good morning’ she will look up at me and give me a kiss.  The first couple of days she would ask if she could. 

Then after a couple minutes we will get up and get changed and head down to the kitchen.  A few other people will be there, mostly warriors who, just like us, are going for a morning jog.  Blaire is still uncomfortable with people, especially in groups.  She hides it well.  We quickly grab our breakfast and eat on the deck.  While eating Blaire will ask me questions on what we will be doing today, what we are focusing on and if there is anything new we can learn. 

We then go for our run.   She has quickly gotten the hang of changing and running as a wolf and I must say she is quick.  She can keep up with me and is right at my heels when we sprint. 

After our run I have to meet with the Beta and he walks me through more things about being a beta.  This takes a couple hours.  Some of our lesson is spent with Chase and the Alpha.

Blaire, during this time, will be training in the gym.  Penny accompanies her but only to keep an eye an her and make sure she will be okay if she has another panic attack, since most days there are a decent amount of people in the gym.  So while Penny is on the bike doing cardio, Blaire is on the mat doing strength training. 

At lunch we usually catch each other, although sometimes she is still in the gym. 

After me and Chase finish with the Alpha and Beta for the day we go and find Penny and Blaire who are talking to the Luna and the other Beta.  Penny used to go talk to them alone but thought, a couple days ago, that it would be a good idea for Blaire to join her since she will become the new beta with me when she is ready.

At dinner we eat at the dinning room table joined with other pack members.  Blaire sits next to me and Penny.  She usually gets pretty quiet but every now and then will join the conversation with a question or answering someone else’s. 

Then after dinner we usually watch a movie or continue talking to everyone.   Blaire loves movies.  She sits cross legged next to me eyes glued to the screen.  Her face subtly mirroring the characters reactions.  Then when the credits roll, she yawns and we head off to bed.  We both get changed in our own rooms and then I join her in hers. 

Tonight when I walked in she had her lamp on and was sitting, cross legged, on her side of the bed deep in thought.  I know this because the skin between her brows are creased.  She gives me a small smile when I enter.  I walk to my side and get under the covers.  I look back at her still sitting there.

“Are you okay?” I ask and place my hand gently on her knee.  When I do this she, without warning, moves so she can swing one leg over me so that she is straddling my legs and sits so her bum is on my thighs.  I look at her in shock but before I can ask what is happening she puts her hands on my shoulders, leans forward, and kisses me.  Unlike our other kisses this one was needy and passionate.  I feel myself become hard as my gut bubbles with excitement. 

While we kiss I move my hands to her thighs, every now and then giving them a squeeze.  Her hands slide down from my shoulders onto my chest.  My stomach tenses as her fingers graze lightly over it as she goes lower.  Her fingers hook onto the waistband of my sweats, she leans back and looks down but before she can move them anymore my hands catch her wrists.  She looks at me. 

“What are you doing?” I ask gently.  She looks back down at her hands and back up at me and shrugs. 

“I thought you would like it.” She says finally and looks away.  Her cheeks blush red. 

“Do you like it?  Do you want to do any of this?” I ask all of a sudden feeling weird about her sitting on top of me.  Has this only happened because she thought I wanted it?

“No I do....” She said.  She pulls her hands out of my grip and slides off me.  To her side of the bed.  “I just thought you would be pent up.  I don’t know.  I thought maybe.  I don’t know.”  She blushes some more as she says this. 

“Its a two way street you know.  If your not fully into it than I am not going to be into either.”  I explain to her.  “and don’t worry about me being ‘pent up’” I say laughing a little bit as I remind myself of the word she used. 

She looks at me and raises her eyebrows.  I gulp.  I guess now is as good time as any. 

“I masturbate” I say quickly.  Silence, I look at her as she continues to look at me so I continue “to you, or rather to the thought of you”  I look down at the duvet feeling the awkward vibe that was now in the room.

"I’m sorry if that makes you feel weird.  So yea... that’s why I am not pent up.” I say.

I steal a couple glances at her before continuing to look at the duvet.  I wonder if I did the right thing.  Maybe ignorance is bliss. 

“Oh” Blaire finally says after what seemed like ages.  I look at her now.  Trying to read her.  What was she thinking. 

“Are you okay?” I asks and she nods.  I look down at my hands and then slide out of bed.  “Alright well...Ill see you in the morning” I say as I walk around the bed towards the door.  The silence is too much to bare and she clearly want to be alone. 

Just as I reach the doorknob  and open the door a crack I hear Blaire.

“What if I an pent up” She says hurriedly.  I close the door and turn to face her. 

“Pardon” I say, not sure if I heard that right. 

She just turns a deeper shade of crimson.  I walk towards her and kneel down in front of her.  Her legs are hanging off the edge of the bed and I am between them looking up at her.  She finally meets my gaze and I smile. 

“Are you telling me you are horny?” I ask.  She looks away. 

“Yes....” she says and I let out a soft laugh.

“No” She contradicts “ I don’t know.  Actually don’t worry about it.”

After watching her squirm for a bit more while my smile gets bigger I lean up and kiss her.    Her hands quickly grab my head and pull me in closer. 

I deepen he kiss putting my hands on her thighs and she wraps them around my torso.  Our bodies now pressed together. 

I pull my head back suddenly and look at her in the face. 

“You need to tell me when to stop.  If you are uncomfortable let me know and I will stop.” I say and wait until I get a response before continuing kissing her. 

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