Chapter 9 - Blaire

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My toes crinkled as they felt the soft blankets. I took a deep breath breathing in the clean air, it wasn't damp or musty like I was used to. I shut my eyes tighter trying to block out the bright light. A soft beeping noise was the only thing I can hear.

Where was I?

I flickered my eyes open, squinting at the harsh light shining in from the window. The curtains swayed gently in the breeze, I turned my head away from the light to stop my head aching but when I did I let out a gasp.

Sleeping next to me was a man, he was hunched over in a chair with his head resting on the bed. My hand was firmly grasped in his. My heartbeat quickened as my chest begun feeling heavier and heavier by the second. I tugged at my hand, wriggling it out of his grip but as soon as I had it free the man took a breath and looked up at me. His big brown eyes looked at me and a wave of panic washed over me. The room was now spinning and my body was shaking. He reached out his hand which I instinctively backed away from, I did so with so much force I went crashing backwards off the bed. I crashed in a heap in the floor chords and blankets coming down as well. I hastily ripped the needle from my arm and glanced up to see him advancing on me, I let out a sob. I attempted to move away but my legs were wrapped up in the sheets, tears flowed down my cheeks as kicked and struggling against the blankets.

I felt like I was drowning.   

A ringing was the only thing I could hear, it piereced my ears.  I saw the man opening his mouth through my tears but I couldn't understand anything. The sheets loosened enough for me to scoot farther away from him. What does he want from me, I have never seen this guy before. My back smashed against the wall and I pulled my knees up to my chest. He was so close to me, he reached out his hand and I flinched, raising my hands above my face waiting for the blow.

Two arms lightly gripped my shoulders, I wept harder. I heard someone try to talk to me but I couldn't make out any of it. I just sat there shaking in the corner.

"Blaire" This time I could hear it, I opened my eyes to come face to face with a worried Penny. She continued to open her mouth but I couldn't hear anything besides the ringing noise. "Blaire, you're safe" Penny said hurriedly. I looked around her, I saw another big guy dragging that man out of the room along with a group of other people I didn't realise where in here. The door slammed behind them. "Breath, Blaire you are going to need to breath" I looked back at her. She gripped my arm and looked at me very concerned "Blaire, please breath, you need to breath". I opened my mouth and took big gulps of air, "That's good" Penny encourage. "Your safe now, you were rescued, you're in my pack now. No one is going to hurt you here." At this another wave of emotions passed over me as fresh tears came flooding out of my eyes. I broke down and sobbed into her shoulder.


15 minutes later I finally got my breath back. Penny helped me back up onto the bed.

"How are you feeling" she asked. I attempted to respond but my throat ceased up, I reached my hand up to feel it. "Water, I'll get it" Penny exclaimed and jumped up and ran over to the tap, she came back with a glass. I nodded a thank you and gulped down the water.

Once I was done I placed the cup on the bed side table. Penny looked at me with a small frown on her face. I raised my eyebrows at her. She sighed than said "Blaire, I need to get someone to look at you." I looked away and swallowed the big lump in my throat. She continued to look at me, "Is that okay?" she asked. I nodded slowly. She got up off the chair and made her way over to the door, she glanced back before opening it and walking out.

I was alone only for a second until Penny came back in followed by and older man. I took a quiet breath and clenched my jaw. I watched him as he approached my bed slowly. Penny reached out and touched my arm I looked at her, she gave me a reassuring smile. I brought my bottom lip between my teeth and focused my attention back on the doctor.

He checked my vital signs and asked me some questions about what hurts and how bad. I managed to croak out a few words. He stayed a good meter away from the bed at all time. He told me about what medication he has recommended and the diet that I will be put on, Penny offered to deliver the food to me every day which I was very grateful for. When he was done, he thanked me and turned to walk out. Before he left he paused and turned back towards me. "One more question Miss Blaire, when was the last time you talked to your wolf?" I thought about it for a moment than answered with a shrug. To be honest I don't remember a day when she just stopped, I think over time she just faded away. He looked at me sorrowfully and nodded before turning around and leaving the room.

I spent the rest of the day with Penny, she got a vegetable and fruit smoothie that I slowly sipped away at. It was the best thing I have tasted in a long time. I closed my eyes a swirled the mixture around in my mouth. Penny told me about her pack and Alpha and Luna Jackson. She told me about her boyfriend Chase and his best friend Ben. Ben was the man in here when I woke up. When she told me this, she paused and gave me a look I didn't recognize. I looked back at her puzzled than after a moment she sighed and carried on talking about her day to day life her at the Haiti Pack.

After a couple hours, my eyes began to droop. Penny took the hint and shut the curtains turning the once bright room, dark. She then scurried around refilling my water bottle and getting extra blankets from the cupboard. Once she tucked me in she gave me a smile and said goodnight. I gave her a weak smile back, she paused than turned around to leave. Before she left I whispered, "Thank you". She gave me one last look and closed the door quietly. I wrapped myself up in the thick blankets and snuggled down into the comfy mattress. It was then, right before I fell asleep, that I felt it. It wasn't big or overwhelming, just a small sprout of a feeling...Hope. For the first time in a long-time things were looking up.


There you guys go, another chapter. I hope you like it. Also to anyone out there who suffers from PTSD or Panic Attacks I hope I described it well. My heart goes out to anyone who goes through this ❤.

Also still looking for suggestions for people to play Ben or Chase.

Untill next time...

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