Chapter 5 - Ben

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"Okay, yes. Yes, will get him"

I lay in bed listening to my mum on the phone. The ringing woke me up at 5 in the the morning, which is bizarre because who calls at that god forsaken time in the morning. I hear footsteps coming towards my room than my mum walks in with a frown on her face. "Alpha Jackson has requested your presence at the pack house, he said it is urgent."


By the time, I rush to the pack house it is full chaos. Pack warriors rushing in and out of the hall talking hastly to each other. Orders being yelled out by the Beta and third of Command over top of the bustling crowd,  I get pushed and shoved out of the way.   I can barely wrap my head around what is happening before I am being dragged through the crowd by a warrior. "You are to go to the Alphas office, he will explain everything there." After he says this he pushes me towards the stairs in which I waste no time running up and through the hallway until I reach the door, I swing it open revealing everyone inside. Alpha Jackson is talking steadily to Chase who looks wild. His hair is ruffled and his eyes are almost pitch black, he is shaking and breathing heavily. I have never seen him like this. Luna Jackson is talking softly to Penny's Parents. Penny's parents? What are they doing here? What is happening? And as if reading my mind Chase yells to Alpha Jackson "They took her, what are we still doing here?". My jaw slackens. Pen is gone?

"Listen to me Chase" Alpha Jackson tries to reason. "We need to be smart about this"

"I'm gunna KILL THEM, IF THEY TOUCHED HER" Chase seems to be losing control now. Nobody ever raises their voice to the Alpha.

"AND WHOS GUNNA SAVE HER IF YOU DIE?" Booms Alpha Jackson. Chase face softens as he slumps down into the chair in front of Alpha Jacksons desk. He drops his head into his hands.   Alpha Jackson places his hand on Chases shoulder and says "We are gunna find her Chase, you have my word. We will never stop trying but right now you need to trust me." After no response from Chase Alpha Jackson gives me a look and then walks past me to go downstairs where I hear him barking orders.

After a moment I wearily make my way over to Chase. Never in my life have I seen him so scrambled. "Chase" I say hesitantly. He grunts in response. I push on "What happened?"

After a pause, Chase mumbles into his hand "She's gone Ben, she's gone and it's all my fault." I stare down at him all hunched over, "Chase I'm sure it's not your fault." As soon as I say this his back stiffens and he looks up at me, his eyes are bloodshot and he looks deadly. "then who's fault is it Ben" he says slowly rising from his chair keeping eye contact with me. "because last I checked I was her mate, HER MATE GOD DAMMIT AND IM MEANT TO PROTECT HER!!!" He swirled around and slammed his hands down on the desk and drops his head. After a moment he whispers "there were so many of them, they came out of nowhere, before I had the chance to change into my wolf they slammed my head against a tree...that was the last thing I remember. The patrol wolves found me passed out at 4 in the morning." Silence settled in. I didn't know what to say, there was nothing I could say. I cannot even fathom what he is going through.

Poor Pen, I have heard stories of a rouge packs kidnapping and killing wolves. These packs are formed from outsider wolves, bad wolves who got banished from their own packs for causing trouble. As werewolves, the human side usually is in the forefront and controls the wolf but when you turn rouge you let the wolf take over. The wolf side is more primal that the human side. They act on instinct alone and with the right push in the wrong direction can turn into foul creatures with no sense of remorse. You see the same thing happen to dogs when they get treated bad, they lash out.

Suddenly the door opens and everyone in the room spins around to see Alpha Jackson standing at the door, "We leave in 5 minutes" Without another word he walks over to Luna Jackson, embraces her and whispers something in her ear. Luna Jacksons nods and cups his face for a kiss. Then he straightens up and marches out the door with Chase and I following close behind him.

On our walk, downstairs and outside Alpha Jackson updates us on the situation, tracker wolves had picked up a scent. It turns on Penny must have been pulling out strands of her hair which gave them a strong trail to follow. They followed the trail for 20 miles to an abandoned rail road track, which is where they think they have her. We have 30 of our best warriors ready to go. We are going to surround and draw them out with a decoy warrior group made up of 5 of our fastest wolves who will hopefully draw as many out and as possible far away from the building as possible. Then we will go in at all angles and take the rest of them out. As soon as we reach the front doors Chase jumps and transforms into his sleek black wolf. I follow close behind in my dark brown and speckled wolf and then were off.


Ooooooh its getting interesting now 😊 😊 😊

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Also, I think I have settled on Penny and Blaire's character. Penny is Haley Lu Richardson and Blaire is Natalia Dyer. By the way re-watched stranger things the other day and I cannot wait for season two. I also watched Split with Haley and that movie hella confused me.



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