"So, it is true, you almost died giving birth to the twins," Ellen spoke.

"Yeah, I did. It was so bad they had to do an emergency C-section to save all of us" Kat replied honestly.

"How soon after finding out that you wouldn't be able to carry another child, did you two start the process of adoption?"

"We anticipated I wouldn't be able to have another baby about six months after having the twins. That is when we started the process because it takes so much time to even get approved before you can even start looking for a child. However, even though we intended to wait a few years, God decided to bless us with Ayah much sooner," Kat smiled.

"How much sooner?" she asked.

"So much sooner I got a call from our adoption agent not even five minutes after being told I couldn't carry another child. I hadn't even left my OB's office yet! I talked to her about what our game plan was going to be, so she heard the whole conversation," Kat chuckled.

"Holy cow! That's amazing! She was your little blessing, wasn't she?"

"She absolutely was," JJ smiled.

"We will continue our conversation with Kat and JJ right after the break" Ellen smiled at the camera before the show went to break, and their mics were muted.

"Do you mind if we bring the kids out?" Kat asked.

"You brought them?" Ellen asked excitedly.

"Of course, we did! It's tough for us to not take them with us!" JJ chuckled.

"Bring them out here, please!" Ellen exclaimed.

Kat got up quickly and met Junie in the hall just behind the set, and she helped her bring the kids to the couch they were sitting on. She smiled as she heard the audience cooing at their four kids as they walked into view.

 She smiled as she heard the audience cooing at their four kids as they walked into view

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"They are so cute!" Ellen exclaimed.

"Thank you!" JJ smiled, taking KJ in his arms while Ellen took DJ, and Kat kept Ayah in her arms.

"Hi there, Blaze" Ellen smiled at the oldest Watt child.

"Hi," Blaze whispered, hiding behind Kat's arm as he sat between Kat and JJ.

"Why are you shy all of a sudden, BT?" Kat laughed.

"There's a lot of people," he whispered, glancing over at the audience.

"Can I tell you a secret, Blaze?" Ellen smiled at him.

"Sure," he nodded, not coming out of his hiding spot.

"I've been doing this job for a very long time, and I still get nervous in front of all these people. There's nothing to be scared of. They're all really nice people," she smiled, trying to make him feel a little more comfortable.

Texas and Wisconsin  (A JJ Watt Fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now