forever young • yang jeongin

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author’s note: Happy Birthday to Jeongin, our baby! This scenario is dedicated to him ❤️

“Are you going to the school dance? I heard it’s gonna be lit this year. ASB worked hard on it aka. me, so go and support,” Seungmin handed Jeongin a flyer promoting the dance.

“Sorry man. I don’t think I can. Unless you want me to go alone,” Jeongin looked down at the flyer. He didn’t have anyone to go with.

Seungmin raised a brow, “You don’t? Are you serious? There are girls lining up at your locker every single day. There ought to be someone out there who’s willing to go with you.”

Jeongin laughed, “I can’t go with them. I honestly don’t even know them. Also, I’m kinda shy around girls.”

“If that’s the case, you might as well go with Jisung. He’d love to go with you,” Seungmin smirked.

The boy shuddered, “Um no thank you?”

“Do you not talk to any girls? Any at all?”

Jeongin thought for a bit, “Well there’s my neighbor, but I doubt she’d go with me.”

“Y/n?” he asked.
“Yeah, but she doesn’t really like dances,” he pouted.


You had been Jeongin’s neighbor for as long as he could remember. Ever since the two of you were children, you would go over to his house for play dates. However, in middle school, the two of you drifted apart. He was part of the popular crowd, and you were a wallflower. Although the two of you kept contact, you wouldn’t greet each other at school, or else the other students would start rumors. High school was a reiteration of middle school. You guys wouldn’t greet each other in the hallways. He was on the basketball team, and you were once again the wallflower.

You were walking home from school when you felt a sudden tap on your shoulder.

You turned around and unplugged your earbuds, “Hey Jeongin, what’s up?” Usually, he wouldn’t talk to you until the both of you had reached home. Jeongin was wearing a black windbreaker and his favorite pair of Vans. He had grown so much since middle school.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “W-what are you doing this Thursday?”

You chuckled, “I’m probably just gonna stay home and work on some DIY projects. Why?”

Jeongin shook his hands frantically, “No nothing! I was just asking out of curiosity.”

You looked at him weirdly, “Um okay.”

“I was just wondering if you were going to the dance on Thursday. That’s it,” he asked, fiddling with the straps of his black backpack.

“Jeongin, you know I don’t go to dances. Dancing isn’t exactly my forte. I have two left feet,” you laughed at yourself.

Jeongin nervously nodded, “Right.”

You glanced up at him and asked, “Are you going to the dance?”

He sighed, “I kinda have to. Seungmin is president of ASB. I have to go to support him, but I don’t have a date.”

“Jisung’s been loving you lately,” you snickered. Their hallway interactions were way too cute.
Jeongin pouted sadly, “I might as well.”


“Did you ask her?” Seungmin asked during lunch.

Jeongin propped his head with his elbow, “Kinda? But I got rejected either way. Like I told you, she doesn’t go to dances.”

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