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"Marie!!! I am going out of my mind in here. Why can't I leave yet?!"

It's been five days since I woke up surrounded by Max, Marie and seven strangers. Soon after the introductions were made the handsome strangers left and I've not seen anyone since. Well Dr. Green comes but only because he has too. Duh, he's my doctor it's his job to see me. Max and Marie have tried to keep me company but it's becoming disastrous. They avoid each other like the plague. I mean honestly one will text saying that their pulling in and the other will make a hasty goodbye promising to be back the next day. It's gotten real old. I thought that once I woke up it would get better. We could be like it used to be. No. Everything is different now.

Therefore, I've decided to be my meddlesome self and cause some trouble. I'm gonna fix this problem. So my genius plan is to not tell Marie that Max just texted me. Marie left her phone in AJ's car yesterday so we've just been spending real quality time together. Not to mention it is the perfect set up for my plan. It's time to have this out now. However the longer it takes him to arrive the more nervous I get. Apparently I'm too obvious because Marie has taken to questioning how I'm doing. Well to be honest I hate it here. I think hospitals are great. They help lots of people. I'm very supportive of hospitals. 

But being stuck in one room for countless hours with no escape... Yea, totally not working for me. I feel like I'm being punished again. The memories are the worst part. Sometimes I think I hear her. The sadistic cackling just down the hall mocking my dreams of escape. Of freedom.

Marie has taken it upon herself, several times now, to reassure me just how necessary my hospital stay is. "Sang. Dr. Green thinks the tests are necessary. We have to make sure that you are completely ready to leave this hospital. Being so malnourished, I don't know how you don't have a serious infection anyways. You're staying until they say and thats final, no more arguments please. " She looks at me like she can see all the possible illnesses I'll catch if I leave too early. She looks at me like she see my death coming and its inevitable unless I'm in the hospital. 

It only frustrates me more. I'm fine. I survived. Now let's just get out of here and live life. "It's because I am me. The less trouble the better. I don't get sick, that means too much attention. You all are making too big of a fuss over me." I'm trying really hard to reason with her. But her stubborn expression stays fixed on her face. "Ugh!! Now I'm going to catch something for sure being in this disgusting hospital. Sick people are everywhere. How can I not get sick!!! I'm going to catch what they have and die before anyone notices I've caught something." So seriously thats not how I actually feel about hospitals...I just really want to leave as soon as possible. I'm mean technically this is the first time I've even seen a hospital or a doctor. In my whole life. Not the best first impression. There are some benefits to never getting sick as a child and then having a psychotic mother. There were no needles or iv's, no endless tests, no poking and prodding my body like its hiding something. All there is now is endless staring at walls or watching the same show over and over.

When I first mentioned boredom, Marie searched the entire house to find my kindle. But I don't have the heart to break it to Marie that I could recite those books... I've read them that many times.

The door opens and I think I've finally succeeded creating drama but it's just Dr. Green. He is always entirely too happy to see me. "Sang!!! You wound me. Did I just hear that you're ready to leave me?! So quick did our love at first sight die." Dr. Green is as handsome as he is a flirt. Every time he comes in he has a new compliment to make about my looks or our supposed relationship.

Right now his hand his over his heart like I've really shot him through the heart. I'm not that special. He could tone down the act a little. I've told him that too, but he insists that I'm the only one for him. He needs his eyes checked for sure. But I've just wrote off all the comments as his doctorly duty. He has to flirt with all the girls to ease their nerves. I wanted to tell him just walking into the room achieves his goal to calm and reassure the patients. The whole flirtatious act goes a little overboard and probably causes more broken hearts than anything else.

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