Buruju's kitten predicts...

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Buruju's kitten predicts...

I remember an old film with Charlos Heston, the pope comes to Rome and his bootlicker throw coins at the population and they throw themselves on them. The pontifice, seeing such a pitiful scene, tells his lackey to stop doing that, which is in very bad taste. Surely Trump didn't see that film, since when he arrived in Puerto Rico, he threw people not money, but toilet paper!

I have already said that money does not buy good taste, or in his case, common sense politeness rules, such as not throwing toilet paper at people, but in short. What will the government of the orange guy be like? The government of Oz the mighty?

Donald Trump is a man who will be in permanent campaign these four years. Man is not a politician, he will not make politics or government management, he will only campaign for the whole of the American Union. He will continue to twit and keep talking nonsense that his spokespeople tried to justify with the classic: "what he really meant..." or the one I like best: "journalists misinterpreted the president.

Now, will Trump run for a second term? Will he win again?

The answer, whether we like it or not, is a resounding YES and YES. Trump is a man used to taking advantage of the system, he's not going to miss an opportunity like this.

The economy that Trump inherited, while not among the best, is in full recovery (more because of private than government incentives), as long as the orange guy doesn't do something like regulate firearms or legalize abortion, it will win a second term. In addition, he will have the advantage of four years of uninterrupted campaigning, unlike any opponents who come forward. Even George W Bush won a second period when no one gave a penny for him.

Which party will win the third election? What will that candidate be like?

I don't think Republicans will win the presidency for the third time in a row, I don't know who they could put as a candidate after Trump's two terms, but they won't win anyway. This is because this man or woman will go against historical statistics, which tell us that no party, whether Democrat or Republican, won three times in a row, that was for decades and I don't think the situation will change. Sociologically speaking, people get tired of a government and prefer alternation.

The Democratic candidate who wins the election will be a man or woman who belongs to the LGBT congregation, i. e. will be gay or lesbian, etc. This is because of the harsh policies against this segment of the population and voters will choose on the basis of a stance contrary to the ideology of the orange guy government.

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