Bureaucratic vs. business system

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Bureaucratic vs. business system

There were a lot of campaigners in both the states and counties who warned Hillary Clinton that she was losing voters in places that had always voted for Democrats. the problem was that they could not immediately communicate with Clinton, but that their written complaints had to go through an endless bureaucratic chain. Here it looks like Hillay Clinton's campaign had political logistics.

With the Republicans things were different, very different. Donald Trump used to score a goal against himself every time he opened his mouth, however, the bases in charge of carrying out his campaigns in the States and Counties did very well, and if there were complaints, they reached their addressee in a much faster and more efficient way, so that what had to be corrected was corrected in time.

Let us remember that the elections in the United States of America are not the same as we have in Latin America. People in the northern country do not vote for the president, they vote instead for a group of people (electoral college) who just voted for the president.

Many people supported Hillary Clinton, but her candidates in the states and counties did very badly.

Thus,the umpalumpa could say fol things because his vote was in the people of thecounties, not himself, at least in a good percentage.    

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