Mark Zuckerberg, you screwed the world

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Mark Zuckerberg, you screwed the world

The problem of false news on social networks dates back to years before the election in the USA, however, it is only recently studied how to stop this problem after the victory of Donald Trump aka. "I do travel to places where Spanish is spoken."

It is scientifically proven that not only young people, but older people no longer know about the news through traditional media such as TV or newspapers, but even radio, instead, trusts what they read on social networks.

Many of these information platforms in cyberspace are neither certified nor regulated, so they are an unreliable source to know the events in today's world or even as a reference to past events.

The false news that favored umpalumpa and discredited Hillary was a tsunami that drowned everyone, for example, the news that said that Pope Francis supported Trump because of the abortion issue.

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