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Donald Trump, is a jerk, nobody denies it, the tragic mistake however, was that everyone was arrogant with him and underestimated him.

Ann Coulter, a blonde whose position or profession is now irrelevant, said the orange man was going to be the winner, everyone laughed in her face.

The Art of War, that book that everyone believes was written in Japan, but actually it came from China, is very clear in that sense. I have not read such a work so far, but I am sure it has a part in which it says that one should not underestimate the adversary, and another where it says that the main thing is to know oneself.

They saw Donald Trump as some kind of exotic figure, a joke, a clown, a man with the color of an umpalumpa... and they paid the price, they didn't take measures to stop the guy from the beginning and what had to happen happened: The moral of the hare and the turtle.

"Ah, arrogance, causing more defeats than all the abilities of the enemies put together,"I don't remember who said it, but he said it very well.

How Donald Trump won? (completed 49/49)Where stories live. Discover now