Steel and northeast

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Steel and northeast

Many steel smelting companies in the center of the American Union closed their doors because they were no longer profitable, leaving millions of people living directly and indirectly from those smelting centers unemployed.

Not only did the level of unemployment soar, but there was a very strong displacement in an important sector of the population, which was formerly middle class, they had their own house and barbecue in the garden; then they became poor and lived in trailers and no longer shared with friends.

As for the Great Lakes region, where the U. S. automotive industry is centered, the factories closed down. Cities like Detroit, Chicago and others felt the coup like no other major city group.

Hillary's answer was already stated in a previous section: the relocation based on a labor education policy so that they can opt (be careful, not to get) a different labor source from the one they had in other regions of the country, that is, the states and cities that were already in economic crisis, would continue in economic crisis.

While Trump's was: shutting down American companies in China and abroad to bring them back home, that is, they would return to work.

The funny thing is that Trump has with his daughter Ivanka, manufactures in China, even, despite his hate speech towards China, his own granddaughter is a viral phenomenon on social networks when singing a song! in Mandarin!

That's why Trump won so many votes: people trusted Trump's promises instead of Hillary's plan, and those who knew about the orange guy's double talk still voted for the man, because he was the only lifesaver there was!

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