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I still remember the TV show: Across the fence. A show many years before the previous election, in it, a lawyer of Jewish origin was running for mayor of the town, but even though he made a great campaign, he still lost.

The Democratic Party sabotaged Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton's rival in the primaries, and not for political interests because the old man was rampaging everywhere, no, the thing was racism... since we're talking about a party that led an Afro-descendent to the presidency! Oops, I guess I was wrong.

Then what was it?.... Hum, if it wasn't racism, then there's anti-Zionism, and I don't say it.

Even Donald Trump said and I quote, "I feel sorry for the way the Democratic Party is treating Bernie Sanders."

Forall those who believe that there is a Zionist conspiracy that wants to rule theworld... so I ask why doesn't Sanders win?    

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