Weapons control

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Weapons control

Donald Trump always defended the possession of firearms (whether personal or assault) by the American population, unlike Hillary Clinton, who promised to review it.

The massacres using assault weapons and their problematic regarding their easy acquisition, comes since the Columbine Massacre in 1999, is a problem that comes dragging legislatures both Democrats and Republicans, and for a good reason: No one wants to address this problem that would result in regulating the possession of weapons, which is an aberration from the American point of view, who LOVE weapons.

Before the massacre in Las Vegas, I remember that there was a very serious one in a cinema made by a subject dressed as Batman, that time I remember that both Democratic and Republican congressmen said and I quote: "the massacre would have been avoided if everyone in the cinema had carried weapons".

The American's mentality is very different from that of the Latin American, they repudiate the massacres with firearms, but they would never tolerate the government to meddle with their precious weapons. Firearms in the USA are part of the essence of being American, period.

We see them as crazy for so many deaths produced by weapons, but they see us as crazy for not having weapons to defend ourselves against dictatorial democratic governments. I personally believe that people should not have weapons, but I am not going to discuss that here.

When Hillary Clinton proposed regulating the weapons issue, she lost a lot of votes in "deep America" and important states like Texas.

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