The Wolves' Appearance

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The memory and her desperation fuel her. Finally, she sees a clearing ahead, hurries toward it. Bella steps into the clearing, hopeful, but her face falls. In contrast to the warmth of her memory, the meadow is cold, gloomy, cloudy. And no Edward. She closes her eyes, trying to force Edward here. Nothing. Her eyes open on the empty, overcast meadow. Bella sinks to her knees. Tears threatening. But then she hears a rustling noise. She turns toward it, peers into the woods. Another rustling noise comes from another part of the woods. She spins toward it; nothing. Then she turns and jumps when she finds Vampire Laurent standing just ten yards away. Dreadlocks, chiseled face. Bella can't believe it. "Laurent?" Bella asks.

"Bella," Laurent replies.

She beams, realizing he's real. "Laurent!"

"I must admit, I didn't expect to find you here," Laurent starts.

"I live here. But you, I thought you were in Alaska with Carlisle's friend."

"Tanya, I was. It was kind of him to arrange, given my association with James and Victoria, "The Enemy.""

"You tried to help us."

Laurent begins to stroll in a slow arc around her, his eyes assessing her. "I went to visit the Cullens, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?"

Bella's smile falters, fear beginning to dawn on her. "Um, something like that," Bella hints.

"Do the Cullens visit often?"

Suddenly, Edward's apparition appears between them. "Lie," Edward instructs.

"Absolutely. All the time," Bella says.

"Lie better," Edward continues.

"I'll tell them you stopped by." Edward fades, Bella tries to look relaxed.

"Will they be able to reach you in Alaska?"

"I don't think so. Tanya's "vegetarian" family was pleasant enough. But the dietary restrictions were difficult living on nothing but animals," Laurent notes. Suddenly, he's standing inches from her. She now sees his eyes. Dark blood-red. "Tell me Bella. Do you ever feel compelled to cheat?" Bella involuntarily takes a step away from him. "But that's not why I left. I came back here as a favor to Victoria."

"You're still friends," Bella says.

"More or less. She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullens. Because, well, I'm afraid Victoria is quite put out with you."

"That's too bad."

"Yes. She feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. Eye for an eye, mate for a mate." And now Bella knows. Terror overwhelms her. Edward appears.

"Threaten him," Edward suggests.

"Edward will know who did it. He'll come after both of you," Bella says.

"I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected? Victoria sent me here for information. She won't be happy about my killing you," Laurent says.

"No, Laurent," Bella says.

"No, no, no. Don't be upset. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully. whereas I'll make it very quick. And you smell so mouth watering." He faces her, taking in her scent, bloodlust building. Her eyes dart around, escape is impossible. The only thing she sees is the apparition of Edward, looking at her with alarm. Laurent is milliseconds from biting. Then abruptly, his expression changes. He sees something in the forest behind Bella and it terrifies him. "I don't believe it."

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