The Party

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Alice tugs Bella and Edward to the top of the landing, then skips down the stairs. They look down into the living room - Hundreds of pink candles and rose-filled crystal bowls. Rosalie, Esme, Emmett, Carlisle, Jasper and Alice look up at her, all of them stunningly beautiful. Bella would love to disappear, but Edward leads her down to the living room where Esme and Carlisle hug Bella warmly.

"Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in," Carlisle says.

"Like that's even possible. Happy birthday, Bella," Esme smiles.

Flash! Alice has snapped a picture of Bella with them. "Found it in your bag. Mind?" Alice asks.

Emmett moves to Edward's side and nudges him. "Dating an older woman. Hot," Emmett whispers. Bella caught that. Edward elbows him sharply to shut up. "What?"

Rosalie steps up. Shoves a silver package at Bella. "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out," Rosalie says, unemotionally. She walks away, bored. Bella has to smile. She sees Jasper across the room. They wave to each other.

"Show me the love!" Alice says, aiming the camera. Edward pulls Bella into an embrace, they look deeply into one another's eyes. FLASH! "For your scrapbook. Now open your presents!" Alice drags Bella over to a table piled with elaborately wrapped gifts, a huge cake and a tall stack of china plates.

"Alice, I'm the only one who even eats cake. That thing could feed fifty," Bella says.

"Hope you're hungry. Here, this one's from Emmett," Alice says, handing the present over.

The others crowd around. Jasper somewhat away. Bella, no fan of being the center of attention, opens the gift to find an empty car-radio box.

"Um, thanks?" Bella replies.

Emmett smirks. "Already installed it in your truck. Finally, a decent sound system in that piece of-"

"Hey, don't hate the truck," Bella interrupts.

"Carlisle and Esme's," Alice says.

"Just something to brighten up your day," Carlisle starts.

"You've been looking a little pale lately," Esme jokes.

Alice hands her a box. Bella starts to open it. "Ouch- paper cut," Bella notes. A single drop of deep red blood appears on her finger. Bella thinks little of it, but then hears a disturbing, grisly snarl. She looks up just as Jasper lunges toward her! Teeth bared, eyes beyond reason. Edward flings Bella behind his own body, causing her to crash into the table, plates shattering as Jasper slams into Edward; sounds like boulders colliding. Edward pushes him, hard; Jasper sails backward, hitting the wall. But he ricochets off it and comes back at Bella. Emmett and Carlisle tackle Jasper from the side, dragging him to the ground. Alice helps hold him down.

Alice holds Jasper's face, whispering to him. "Jaz, shhh. It's just a little-"

But she stops, her head suddenly jerking toward Bella. Then everybody's eyes snap toward Bella as they catch the overwhelming scent. Bella lies amid the shards of broken china. She looks at her arm, seeing now, it's been slashed by plate shards; bright red blood pulses out of her, pooling. She looks up. All of them now, including Edward but not Carlisle stare down at her, at her blood, with fevered eyes. Bella slowly starts to pull out her wand just in case of they come at her again. Six suddenly ravenous vampires. Carlisle jumps to Bella's side. Edward, though white as a bone, snaps out of it and stands between her and the others. "Emmett, get Jasper out of here. Emmett," Carlisle insists.

Emmett reins himself in, elbows Rosalie. They drag the snarling Jasper out. Esme holds her nose, politely exits with the others. Alice looks at Bella, apologetic. "I'm sorry, I- can't," Alice mumbles.

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