Christmas Morning

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"Hello, Severus. I'm so sorry for my bad timing; I thought we'd keep each other company over the holidays, if you didn't mind," Remus explains.

Severus nods, "Come in." Remus steps in and looks around. "Homier than you expected?" Remus nods. "Before we talk anymore, I'm afraid I must ask you to take an unbreakable vow that you won't tell anyone about who else is here."

Remus chuckles for a moment. "An unbreakable vow to keep your friend a secret? Severus, surely that's excessive."

Severus shakes his head. "If you won't take the vow, then I'm afraid you'll have to leave." Remus nods and takes the vow quickly. "Wonderful!" Severus leads him into the living room where Isabella sits hidden in the presents. "Isabella, it's alright." Isabella steps out and stands by Severus' side. "Remus, I'd like you to meet my goddaughter, Isabella Angela Potter."

Remus' eyes widen as he looks Isabella over. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Isabella. I thought you looked familiar; you have your mother's eyes and face shape. I'm just a little confused," Remus explains. "You look so much younger than you should be if you're really Lily and James' daughter."

"I was put in stasis when I was a baby because of all the dark magic used near me," Isabella says. "I'm six but I'm supposed to be nine."

Remus nods and kneels down before her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Isabella. Happy Christmas."

Isabella throws her arms around Remus' neck. "Happy Christmas, Uncle Remus."

Remus is startled but hugs her back. "Uncle? We've only just met!"

Isabella pulls back to look at him. "But you're my other godfather's soulmate! Of course you're an uncle to me!"

"Soulmate of who?" Remus asks.

Severus sits down. "He's innocent, Remus. We went to see him and questioned him under veritaserufm. Sirius didn't do anything he was accused of. Pettigrew was the secret keeper. We've been trying to find a way to get him out without bringing suspicious as to who was there and why. It wouldn't look good if someone who everyone thinks of as a former death eater tries to speak to his innocence. It wouldn't look good for either of us, no matter who else vouched."

Remus stares at him, tears in his eyes. "Please don't be joking, Severus. I- I couldn't take it if you were joking."

"He's telling the truth. Uncle Sirius is innocent," Isabella insists. "He'll be free, one day. And when he is, we'll be there for him."

Remus smiles and pulls Isabella into another hug. "Well, until then, I see I interrupted something. How about you open your presents, hmm?"

Isabella smiles and pushes a pile over to him. "So long as you join us!"

"You got me presents?" Remus asks. "You didn't even know I'd be here."

Isabella shrugs and points to the other two piles. "There're also some for Uncle Sirius and Harry. They'll get them when I see them."

Remus nods and gestures to her presents. "Would you like to open yours first?"

Isabella starts to tear open her presents, smiling. With each item, her smile grows bigger. There are some new dresses and robes, potion ingredients, and a couple books. Finally, Isabella gets down to her last item. "Isabella, why don't you hold off on that last item for now?" Severus suggests. Isabella nods and sets it aside. "Remus?"

Remus opens up the first present to see a page of properties. "What's this?" Remus inquires.

"When we went to see Uncle Sirius, he gave me executive power of his vaults over my brother. He only asked that I make sure you knew that if you ever needed anything that you knew you could ask and I would give it. He specifically explained how werewolves-" Remus flinched, his eyes growing. "aren't always able to get a job. These are a list of Uncle Sirius' properties. He wants me to make sure you have a home and enough to live on until you're back together. As such, you are going to pick at least one property and you're gonna live there. I'll check in on you to make sure you're there and alright."

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