A Question & The Truth...(A/N)

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At one point...a point that now feels like millions of years ago, I told you guys that I'd make a sequel to this book..and a sequel to that one too. At the time I was all for it, because I absolutely LOVED this book and the ideas of maybe making a trilogy..and spin off series.

However, that didn't happen..and it hasn't been happening, unlike what you may believe.

I did make the sequel Sky....but it wasn't the best due to the fact that my inspiration for the book, practically destroyed me.

My ex best friend at the time and I had a major fall out. Though we tried to make amends, we weren't the same and the more we hung around each other, the more we wanted to rip out each others throat. I tried to think of the past, the good days..which I believe there really weren't any the more I dwell on those so said "good days/memories", and I couldn't handle writing the book anymore.

I lost all creativity and I didn't want to write.

So I half assed the sequel and told you guys I was going to make the third installment to the series..(which I did do, however I got to chapter four and quit). I also had made you guys aware that I was planning to make a spin off series with the cast of Ava's kids and also had plans to rewrite the WHOLE original trilogy.

...And you see how that went, am I right?

Throughout the past almost YEAR, I have been working with many different ideas for new books..but nothing clicked. Like, at all.

Until recently.

The book is up on my profile and it's called Love To Hate You and I love it. It has become my child.

I have never been so dedicated to a book like this since Ava was complete. I'm crossing my fingers that you guys check it out and I hope you love it as much as I do.

It's a remake of an original draft I had gathering dust in my closet at home in a raggedy old composition book..and at the end of my works list on Wattpad.

It was actually my second book on Wattpad when I was around 12 to 13 years old. I'm now 16, almost 17..so it's pretty old lol.


After I finish with the book, I am thinking of making a sequel, though there are NO promises..so don't hold it against me if it never happens..if you even get hooked on the first one that is.

My question for you though (and I would actually like a comment from those who are paying attention. Please) is would you happen to like a remake of Ava? One that makes more sense and has a better plot?

Personally, I am proud of this book..but it just sucks to me. Like it is flat out CRINGE FACTOR to me and I make fun of it every time I scan over it now and then.

I wouldn't mind remaking it and maybe even Sky in the future, after I finish what I have going on right now.

Let me know how you wonderful babes feel in the comments!

oxox, Cam <3


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