17|No One Steals My Chocolate

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Avalon's POV:

April 8th, 2002


Blue. Blue was always my favorite color.

Smurfs were blue.

The sky was blue.

The best candy was blue.

Water was blue...ish.

The rim of my trampoline was blue.

My spongebob toothbrush was blue.

Blue was just amazing.

Especially when it was the color of the shell that wrapped around my favorite candy.


I felt like no one could ruin my day when I had my small bag of chocolaty goodness.

My hair, shining a brilliant strawberry red in the sun, hung in two pigtails. I wore a little yellow sundress and white sandles, my usually pale skin tanned by the spring sun and my green eyes like saucers as I was becoming slowly hyped up on sugar.

I felt like I was a queen, M&M's in hand as I swing back and forth on my swing..or at least try too.

It was extremely hard as a five year old with my short legs and all.

"Hi! I'm Ricky Harte!" A little boy with slicked back light brown hair, golden skin, and big chocolate brown eyes smiled widely.

I smile timidly. I had never seen him around. He probably wasn't in my class.

"I'm Ava." I respond and he beams.

"I'm new here," He states as he sits down on the swing beside me, easily swinging.

I frown. How come I couldn't do that? Why did I have to be so short?

"Where did you come from?" I ask.

Ricky gives another smile. I was surprised the kids face didn't hurt yet.

"I moved here from Austin, Texas." He says before looking down at his feet then back at me.

"How old are you?" He asks and I hold up my hand, all five fingers raised proudly.

"Five years!" I beam and he grins. Again.

"I'm six." He states almost as proudly as I had. Maybe even a little more.

"You wanna be friends?" I ask almost shyly and the biggest grin I had seen yet, lit up his chubby cheeked face.

"Of course!" He says in excitement.

"Want a M&M?" I ask and he nods enthusiastically.

I hand him a brown one. My least favorite colored one.

Ricky beams, not hesitating to pop it into his mouth.

"Brown is my favorite." He states and I scrunch up my nose.

"No way! Blue is mine! Browns gross!" I exclaim and he sticks his tongue out.

"Is not!" He glares.

"Is too!"


"Is too!"


"Is too! Is too! Is too!" I rush out and he rolls his eyes before stealing another from the bag.

I feel rage bubble over me. He had taken a blue one.

He stole my chocolate. My chocolate.

Ava (#1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن