12|I Tend To Ramble

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Bonner Bolton as Kenneth (Ken) Bolton...( A/N- I totally did not mean for the last name to match the guy that plays Ken, it just happened lol)

"Ava?!" Eden calls through my door and I glance up from my phone to the door across from me.

"Yeah?" I sigh and she pops her head in.

"Hey! Skylar and I wanted to know if you wanted to go out tonight with us to the new bar by the boardwalk?" She smiles.

"I'm good." I reply swiftly and she sighs.

"Come on, Avalon. As much as I love you and I know you're hurting, get the stick out of your ass. So what? The dude you love was stupid as fuck! That doesn't mean he's a bad person and that he intentionally hurt you. Ricky on the other hand, he's just white trash. You don't need to let two idiots get in the way of your happiness! You're Avalon Tate! You don't give a fuck about guys and you definitely don't give a damn about how people feel about you and you don't let your emotions get in the way of your life! Now get your ass up, get dressed and all pretty, then let's get some chocolate and get waisted!" She snapped and I felt my jaw slack open.

"Damn, even I'm not that straightforward." I heard Skylar say from outside my door and Eden sticks her head back out to tell her to shut up before looking back to me.

"What are you waiting for? Get your goddamn ass up!" She exclaims and I hurriedly get out of my bed.

Eden smirks before walking out of my room. Seconds later as I'm getting dressed Eden yells out.

"Is that my new top?!" She exclaims.

"You know it bitch! Tell me to shut up again and not only will all of your clothes get cut, but your face will too!" Skylar cackles and Eden let's out an annoyed scream before storming into my room with a glare on her face.

"Problem?" I say as I pull my white 'Don't Let The Muggles Get You Down' t-shirt over my head.

"Your sister is a crazy ass bitch." She growls and I smile slightly.

"Tell me something I don't know." I respond and pull on light high waisted shorts and black tie up pumps.

"You should fishtail." Eden suddenly says as I pick up my brush and I raise and eyebrow, causing her to shrug in response.

"Ok then." I say and do as she says.

" I say and do as she says

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