13|You Scream Like A Girl

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"Damn Daniel, back at it again with the white hand me down bikini's." Ken says as I walk out of his bathroom in a bikini his sister "had given him in case of a girl actually coming over to his house."

Please add an eye roll, since that's what Ken states his sister did.

The bikini was white with a high necked top with laced over straps at the breast top and regular short bottoms.

It was simple, but very cute.

"Damn Daniel?" I snort with a raised eyebrow and he rolls his eyes before a smile appears on his face.

"I have some boards in my shack, meet me out on the porch in five." He said before walking out of the house.

His bungalow was comfortable and very, well, Ken. It was in other words, absolutely perfect.

The only downside was walking a mile through the sand from the parking lot, but otherwise it was the most gorgeous thing I had seen in my life

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The only downside was walking a mile through the sand from the parking lot, but otherwise it was the most gorgeous thing I had seen in my life.

With a sigh I walked out of the bungalow and walked outside where Ken now stood with two surfboards beside him, a smirk on his face.

"Have you ever surfed?" He asks and I snort, taking the board from him.

"I wouldn't be a Californian if I didn't." I retort and he rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless.

"Then let's go, Ms. Hotshot." He says and I laugh, following him down the sand covered wooden pathway to the water.


Hours later, the sun now down, Ken and I walk up to his house drenched and laughing.

"I can't believe that last wave! It was wicked!" I say in a false surfer voice like the ones you hear on movies.

"Totally tubular dude!" Ken retorts and we laugh.

"Thanks for tonight." I smile and he smirks with a wink.

"Anything for my new best friend, besides, the night's not over yet!" He says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Really?" I ask and Ken nods.

"I still gotta make those grilled cheese sandwich's I promised." He says and I smile.

"I'm game then." I respond and he chuckles.

"Good," He beams before taking my board. "I'll go put these up and you can take a shower here if you want while I cook."

I nod and he smiles.

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