Chapter 23

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I really didn't think my mom would even notice me gone at all. I looked over at my mom, dropping my bag down. She looked furious as she stepped closing, a looming sense of doom and despair around her. My heart was poundings I shrunk back into myself, wanting nothing more than to just run out the door and into Frank's arms instead. I wanted to be with him where I felt safe and happy.

"Where the fuck were you?" She asked.

"I-I—" I squeaked. "I was just—I was—I didn't—I wasn't—Jamia's! I-I was at Jamia's!"

"You're still talking to that pathetic fat ass?" She asked.

I bit my lip as I looked at her.

"Or were you with the fag next door?" She asked.

I whimpered, looking in the direction of Frank's house.

"Please tell me that you aren't a fucking fag," she said. "Not only did I raise an ungrateful, selfish, pathetic son, he's also a fag."

Yeah right, like you actually raised me.

Now if only I had the confidence to say that out loud.

"You're Fucking disgusting," she spat.

She pushed me back against the wall and I whimpered. A sharp slap landed on my cheek and I cried out softly as I cowered against the wall. My stomach dropped as fear washed over me.

"P-please," I whimpered.

"You're such a Fucking Baby," she complained. "I thought I finally grew out of all your whining and crying but when the accident happened you were all obnoxious again."

"M-my dad and baby brother died," I whispered. "I needed you, you were my mom and I was a kid."

"You're pathetic," she said. "You're father was right, I should have aborted you."

"Dad would never say that," I denied.

"Donald isn't your father," she said. "It was some truck driver and we did it while high on ecstasy."

I shook my head, turning around as I ran out of the house. I looked towards Frank but shook my head. He already hated me because of the whole tattoo thing, I couldn't go to him. I walked down on the street and sat on the curb before calling Jamia.

"C-can you pick me up?" I whimpered.

"Of course, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Everything," I mumbled before hanging up.

She picked me up, driving me back to her house. I flopped down onto her bed as I buried my face into her pillow.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "Do you want some food? Are you hungry?"

I shook my head, letting out a sob.

"Gee, what happened?" Jamia asked, laying down beside me as she wrapped an arm around me.

"I-I thought it was supposed to be happy," I whimpered. "Everything is ruined again. Frank hates me now because I broke his heart and I-I just found out that my dad isn't even my dad."

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Frank, w-we went up to his family's cabin and he got a tattoo of my name on his body," I said. "And I kind of told him that I didn't like it."

"Why would you do that?" Jamia asked. "He tattooed your name onto his own body. It's completely permanent and you just dissed it."

"I know, I already feel bad enough," I said. "I was just fucking stupid. I think it just freaked me out a bit because he didn't talk to me about it first, it was just supposed to be a surprise for me and it kinda wigged me out."

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