Chapter 16

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I can't wait until winter is over omfg my car got stuck in the snow today I had to get out and push it hella early in the morning and someone behind me came and helped thankfully but I'm gonna slide into a ditch and die I swear I already almost took out a stop sign after sliding completely across an intersection


Frank reached over to hold my hand under the table and I quickly pulled my hand away. He looked a little sad but didn't say anything as the teacher continued on with the lecture. Class ended and I sighed as we walked out of the room. We went outside and started walking back home.

"I'm sorry for not holding your hand," I said quietly.

"It's okay, I know you're not really into PDA or anything," Frank said.

"I-I just wish I could hold hands with you in public and kiss you without feeling like I would throw up," I said.

"It's fine, Baby, I'm just glad to be with you at all," he said. "Come on, let's go home and play some video games or something."

"I don't know, I have homework to do," I said.

"Are you sure?" Frank asked. "We can go order a pizza and drink soda."

"I'm fine, I-I just kinda wanna go home," I said.

"Alright, are you sure you're okay?" Frank asked nervously.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said.

I smiled, looking around before I gave him a soft kiss.

"So you're really fine then?" He asked nervously.

"I'm fine," I insisted.

"Alright, call me if you need anything at all," he said.

I nodded, giving Frank one last kiss before I walked inside my house. I looked around and found it unsurprisingly empty. As soon as I was in my room I flopped down onto my bed, closing my eyes.

It felt like years before I actually opened my eyes again but when I looked at the clock I saw it had only been fifteen minutes. I looked out my window into Frank's room, watching him play guitar. I cracked my window open and I could hear him through his open window. He was singing and it sounded so beautiful.

I watched him like I was caught in a daydream. He was even more beautiful than his music. He was enchanting almost, I couldn't stop watching. I smiled softly as I watched him. He was mine, really mine. For the first time ever I had someone who really cared about me. Someone who liked me just as much as I liked them.

O-or maybe he didn't really like me. Maybe he's just faking all of this.

No, that's stupid, why would he waste his time faking this?

But...what if he is?

I sniffled as I laid down, listening to Frank's music. The song he was playing sounded familiar. What was the name again? Fuck, I don't know. It sounded kind of like a song by the Beatles. Either way it sounded so beautiful. I closed my eyes, feeling like I was in a dream.

I frowned softly when the music stopped. There were soft voices before it was quiet again. I could hear Frank's window up wider.

"Hey, Gerard, my mom made pizza rolls!" Frank shouted out the window. "You want some?"

I couldn't help but giggle as I sat up. God he's such a dork.

"Come on, they're still hot," Frank said.

I smiled, giggling happily as I walked over to Frank's house. He pulled me up to his room where a plate of pizza rolls sat on his desk.

"I heard you playing," I said as I sat beside him on the bed. "It was really good."

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