Chapter 29

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I walked into school and let out a fearful whimper when I saw Brendon and Pete. Frank was by my side as we went inside. I closed my eyes, trying to prepare myself while I heard their footsteps come over.

"Hey, just leave him alone already," Frank said.

I watched as Pete shoved Frank to the side and Brendon laid a punch on my stomach. I doubled over, groaning in pain. I just closed my eyes, trying to ignore everything as they just kicked me over and over. Every hit seemed to only numb me more and more, silent tears rolling down my cheeks. Finally they seemed to leave and Frank hurried to my side.

"Gerard, are you okay?" Frank asked.

I sniffled, shaking my head.

"I-I think I'm gonna throw up," I whimpered.

Frank helped me up and I winced as he brought me to the bathroom. I threw up, the chocolate bar Frank brought for me in the morning making its way into the ceramic bowl. I washed my mouth out and Frank grabbed some paper towels. He got them wet slightly before helping to clean the blood off me.

"You know what, you don't deserve this anymore," Frank stated.

I whimpered as he helped me to my feet and helped me down to the office. Soon enough we were in the office sat down in the front of the principle.

"These kids have been terrorizing him for years," Frank complained. "They beat him up and say nasty things every single day."

"Well, boys will be boys," the principle said.

"It's not boys being fucking boys," Frank spat. "It's boys being fucking cruel!"

"Hey, watch your language, this is a place of learning," he said. "Who are you two again?"

"I'm Frank Iero and this is Gerard Way," Frank said, clearly trying to keep his cool.

"Okay, and who are these kids?" He asked.

"Brendon Urie and Pete Wentz," Frank stated.

"Oh, those are the captains of the soccer team," he said. "Lovely boys."

"You have to fucking do something about this," Frank said. "Gerard doesn't even want to come to school anymore because of them, he wants to drop out."

"Well, it seems to me like you're just being a girl," the principle said.

"He shouldn't have to feel unsafe just coming to school," Frank said. "This place, in your own words, should be a place of learning. He should be able to come here and just be able to learn happily. He shouldn't have to be scared of this place or anyone in it."

"Come on, just man up already," the principle said.

I cried quietly, my heart racing. I could feel myself panicking, my breathing picking up. Was the room getting smaller? Oh god, it's gotten so hot in here.

"He doesn't need to fucking man up, you need to do something about those assholes," Frank said.

"Those are some of our star students," he said.

"Just because they're on the soccer team doesn't mean they should be favored at all," Frank said. "They are harassing him everyday of his life. He even has to go to fucking therapy because of them."

"Therapy is for girls," the principle said.

"That doesn't fucking make any fucking sense," Frank spat. "Therapy doesn't have anything to do with gender."

"Of course it is, therapy is just for those rich girls who go to whine when their daddy doesn't give them their allowance," the principle said.

"Are you fucking dumb?" Frank asked.

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