Chapter 8

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Yesterday I was wearing an mcr shirt and my English teacher thought they got back together bc I was wearing it and he asked me if they released new stuff bc he misses them


I was watching tv when my phone went off.

Frank: come outside

I frowned in confusion.

Gerard: Why?

Frank: Because I fucking told you to that's why

I sighed, turning off the tv. I walked outside and froze when I saw Frank. He had a big sign that said 'I know this is silly and cheesy but will you go to homecoming with me?'

"F-Frank?" I asked nervously.

He smiled, holding out a bouquet of roses.

"Will you go to the homecoming dance with me?" He asked.

"L-like as a...a date?" I asked.

"Yes, a date," Frank said. "It'll be our first date."

I frowned in confusion as I took the roses from him.

"Y-you're not going with Jamia?" I asked.

"Why would I go with her?" Frank asked.

"Because you two went out on a date the other day and afterwards you were alone in your bedroom with her and your arm was around her waist and you shut the curtain and--"

"We went to the movies as friends," Frank interrupted. "And she got annoyed because I had been talking about you the whole time. She helped me come up with how to ask you to the dance which is why we shut the curtains, I didn't want you seeing. And my arm was around her waist because she had twisted her ankle so I was just helping her walk."

"Oh," I mumbled.

"I know that what we have is complicated and everything but the dance is coming up and I just really want to go with you," Frank said. "You make me so happy, Gee, I love seeing your face everyday, even if you're pushing me, both literally and metaphorically. And I've known you for just over a month but it feels a lot longer. We're fate, Gee."

How do I tell him no?

"Frank..." I trailed off.

"I know you're scared, Gee, but you don't have to be," he said. "I wouldn't hurt you, I would rather die than ever hurt you. And I'll be here whenever you need me. I'll be here when you're sad and scared. All I'm asking is for you to give your heart to me, even if it's just a little piece of it. And I promise I'll care for it like it was made of glass."

My heart was racing in my chest as I nodded. Frank smiled, holding my hand. He caressed my cheek gently as he leaned close but never kissed me. It took me a moment to realize he was waiting for me to make the first move, he didn't want to force me into anything.

I leaned forward, closing the distance between us. This kiss was just as perfect as the first. I actually thought my heart had burst out of my chest and fallen on the floor. It was just beating on the ground between us for Frank to either cherish or crush.

One of his hands held my hip as the other tangled into my hair. I pulled him closer, the kiss between us deepening. He pulled away slowly, his forehead resting against mine.

"You don't know how happy I am right now," Frank said with a small chuckle.

I was happy but I was also just so terrified.

"So, are we official now?" Frank asked hopefully. "Do I finally get to tell everyone you're my boyfriend?"

"E-everyone?" I whimpered. "Can we just, like, you know...keep it on the down low? I don't want the kids at school terrorizing me even more."

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