Chapter 12

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Ohmygod I can finally paste on my phone again


I laid with Frank on the bed, the two of us sweaty and still catching our breaths. My finger gently ran over his tattoos as I smiled. Frank took my hand in his and pulled it up, giving the bandage on my wrist a gentle kiss.

"You're gonna be okay," he whispered. "It might not be pretty and it might not be fast but you'll be okay. It'll be so gradual you won't even notice. One day you'll look back and realize that you really are okay."

I looked up at him, my eyes watering.

"Frank..." I said softly.

"You will be," he said. "One day when we're living together and happy then you'll realize you're okay."

"You think we're gonna last that long?" I asked.

"Of course, we're fate," he said. "Don't you think so too?"

I shrugged my shoulders, looking down sadly.

"Happy birthday," I said. "I know I already told you that but I just wanted to say it again."

Frank smiled down at me, running his fingers through my hair.

"You know what I think?" Frank asked.

I hummed, looking up at him curiously.

"I think you look really pretty," he said.

I giggled, blushing quietly.

"Thank you, Frankie," I said quietly. "You're always so sweet."

"Well, I'm your boyfriend, I have to be sweet," he said. "And I like it too, I like telling you all the reasons why you're so perfect."

"I'm not perfect," I mumbled.

"What are you talking about? Of course you're perfect," he said. "You're beautiful and smart and so creative and talented. You're more than anything I could ever dream of."

"You really mean that?" I asked.

"Of course I do," he said.

I smiled, snuggling up close to his chest.

"As much as I would love to stay up with you, I still have to get some rest, I've gotta get to church in the morning," he said.

"Alright, sleep then," I said.

Frank smiled, pulling the blanket up a little higher around us. I watched him fall asleep, smiling softly.

I got up and put on my boxers, grabbing my sketchbook and a pencil. I haven't drawn in so long, I haven't felt any sort of inspiration. But Frank was here and he just looked so beautiful sleeping in the glow of my soft lamp.

I bit my lip, putting my pencil down on the paper. I sat there and drew him, concentrating hard. I didn't stop until Frank stirred awake and I realized the sun was up.

"What are you doing?" He mumbled sleepily.

"I-I just wanted to draw you," I whispered.

Frank smiled, running his fingers through his hair. He looked at the clock on his phone and sighed.

"I've got about five minutes until I have to leave," he said.

I set my sketchbook down and straddled his hips.

"Mm, gonna ride me a second time?" He asked with a small smirk.

"Maybe some other day," I said.

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