Somethings In Me Changed

Start from the beginning

Halfway through the night I feel a pair of eyes on me and start to look around to see who was trying to take my head off with their gaze. I see someone staring at me but I didn't recognize them at first. They get up and come over and I swallow hard.

The the person gets closer and I realize that I know who that was, and I didn't like the revaluation I just had.

"Hey guys, look! Julie is here" someone cheers as she struts on over and everyone greets her. She hugs everyone before stoping in front of Corey. I hold my breath as she looks him up and down. He places a kiss on her cheek and I can just tell this was not about to end well.

"It's been a long time" she claims as they break apart.

"It has been. How have you been doing" he asks.

"You would know if you ever answered any of my texts" she says and that makes me feel a little better. At least he wasn't trying half as hard to get his attention as she was to get his.

"Life's been kind of crazy" he claims.

"I'm sure it has been. Do you wanna grab a drink" she offers not even acknowledging I was there. Which might be a good thing.

"Sure" he shrugs and I sharply turn my head. Umm okay then.

He goes off with her leaving me alone with all his friends. Once he realized she was here he has forgotten that he dragged me along too. I try not to jump to conclusions because I trusted him but he sure wasn't making it easy. His friend that was asking about me earlier takes his place next to me as he towers over my small frame.

"Uh hi" I say softly and he smiles.

"Hey. So you're Corey's girl" he asks.

"I think we have already gone over this" I admit.

"I kinda forgot" he admits.

"Yes I am Corey's girlfriend" I say.

"You don't look like someone who would be his girlfriend. You're small and kinda nerdy" he claims and I laugh.

"I'm very nerdy, actually" I correct him.

"Its kinda hot" he smirks and I try not to throw up.

"I'm going to step out for some air" I say brushing past him not willing to find out where that conversation was heading. He tries to continue talking to me but I head towards the nearest door I could find. I go into the women's restroom and blow in there just trying to find some space to breathe. I go to go to the mirror but stop before I get there.

I was expecting to see my reflection looking a little distraught, but instead I see Julie on top of Corey as they make out. Her dress was off and Corey hand his fingers tangled into her hair. He had his shirt off and her red lipstick was all over his exposed skin. He was starting to undo his pants before he realized someone, not me specifically, had walked in. I don't know how long they've been in here but I'm assuming it was a while due to lack of clothing and how hard they were going at it.

I let out a gasp and try to cover my mouth to stop the other sounds I was making from coming out. They both stop what they're doing as I stand frozen in my spot. Corey pushes Julie off of him as she grabs for her clothes to cover up.

"Caroline" he starts as he turns to me.

"No" I whisper.

"This isn't what it looks like" he insists.

"No" I repeat.

"Baby I swear this isn't what you think it is" he tried.

"Oh, so what is it? It was a accident" I ask.

"Well... yeah" he insists.

"You accidentally drag me to the place where you knew your ex would be no matter how hard I fought you. You accidentally stumble into her and you accidentally agree to grab a drink with her. You accidentally end up in the bathroom and you guys accidentally undress. Then you accidentally trip and land on her lips. That's what happened" I question.

"When you put it that way..." he trails off.

"God. I can't believe I was so stupid. To think that you wouldn't cheat on me when I knew you cheated on her. To think that you actually cared about me and that I was enough to make you happy. God..." I shake my head.

"It's nothing like that" he claims.

"Then what is this Crawford" I ask.

"I... I don't know" he admits.

"Then let me give you some time to figure it out" I snap. With that I turn and walk out the door. He pulls on his shirt before he chases after me but I never do turn around. Finally once we get down the street he grabs my wrist and I stop. He holds me tight and I felt like I was going to faint.

"Please Caroline, don't leave me" he begs.

"Why, why should I stay when you're so capable of hurting me" I sniffle.

"I don't want to hurt you" he insists.

"But you did" I argue. "If I wasn't there to stop you I know for a fact you would have screwed her in the very same place I was at. You cheated on me Corey... how could you" I whisper.

"I don't know. I forgot for a second. I forgot I changed and I forgot what was happening" he explains.

"You forgot about me, about us. About what we had gone through and where we were going. Did you forget that too" I ask and he sighs.

"I didn't mean to kiss her" he insists.

"We don't mean to do a lot of things. But everything happens for a reason... and I sure hope she's a good enough one" I say walking away.

"You can't leave! Caroline I need you" he yells out.

"That's the crazy thing Crawford, you don't. All you needed was for me to show you who you really are. And you found that guy, and he's a great person. My most favorite person in the world. But I forgot what that guy is capable of doing, and that was my own fault" I insist.

"None of this is your fault" he insists.

"I know your actions are not reflective of me, but of who you used to be. Someone I thought was gone. But people don't really change I guess. They adjust and modify... but we don't change" I explain.

"I'm changed, I swear" he begs.

"I think something in me has changed too. And that is not such a good thing."

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