Kit came home with lots of thoughts in his mind, why haven't he met Ming before in the school? Maybe he is new, and that's why he hasn't seen him before. He is interesting. (At this part Kit doesn't know he is gay, or something like that. He is only getting good vibes of Ming, but thinks that Ming is only a friend).

I am glad that I met this guy, I really don't know why, but he seems to be a really good person in general. I have school tomorrow, so now I have to sleep.

Kit slept like a little baby, he had a weird dream about Mingkwan.

Kit was having coffee with Ming.

"I really like you Kitkat," he said with a wide smile on his face.

What did he just say? "Do I look like a chocolate bar to you, really? Kitkat?" I thought it was super weird he to say that. Is it a nickname or something? Nice...

"So what you think?" He asked, looking straight at me, smile still on his face.

"Think of what?"

"Can I call you Kitkat, na na na? I think it's cute and good, like the chocolate bar," again, his smile was brighter that any sun.

"I guess it's okay..." I left out a chuckle and sipped my caramel cappuccino. In the corner of my eye, I saw that ming was leaning forward, towards me. Looks like he is going to kiss me.

Alarm clock

I woke up in the morning. I was breathing heavily. What was that? Why?! 

Omg, I'm going to be late. The finals are today, I can't be late. I grabbed all that I need, stuffed them into my back bag and rush towards the front door.

I was almost at the door, when I heard mom and dad discussing about something. They were actually yelling. Unpaid bills, huh? I guess they're going to be fine, I don't have time to listen anymore. I really have to go.

A moment later...

School bells

Kit was finally at the school gates, he saw Yo, Beam, Pha, Forth (Yes, he has other friends too) and... Ming waiting for him. Did they all know him?

I was surprised that they all waited for me.

"Thanks guys. Now go, or we all are gonna be late because of me," I yelled and we all hurried to class. I, Yo and Beam arrived at the classroom same time as the teacher, so we weren't late. Thank god.

I hope Pha, Forth and Ming were on time too. I really don't want to trouble them. I don't even understand why they would even bother to wait when they can just go. It is my own fault if I'm late.


"Now I know why I never saw you in here before. So, you were transferred to here, but why in the time of finals?" I was sitting in the table with the guys and chatting.

"Well, I came here in one condition, I made all the school chores I had to do successfully and I graduated earlier than others. I wanted a new start here."

Is that even possible? Is he this smart or am I just imagining. "Wow, you really are smart if you could do that kind of thing."

"Well thank you Kitkat."

"Kitkat! Just like the chocolate?" All the boys were laughing to my nickname. It was humiliating. 

In the other table some random guys laughed mockinly at me. I think they heard that too.

Annoying bullies!

I can hear what they are whispering about me. To me, they are only a piece of trash. I don't wanna listen. Maybe I just ignore them, and forget their words that I already heard, forget all the problems.

I want to be happy. Why I have a feeling that it's not gonna happen. Huuh... Why  I even worry, nothing has even happened.

I really hope that I'm right about this.

Kit was walking home. He listened to music through his earphones, completely on his own world, deep in his own thoughts, thinking what mom have made for dinner, how his final exams went, what he is gonna do in the summer break and so much more.

His thought were interrupted by these two guys, the bullies from school.

The other one roughly took Kit's back bag from his back, and threw it in the dike. He hold Kit in place by his shoulders. His nails dug in his skin a little too deep.

"Oh look, it's our little Milky Way chocolate bar," the other one said, looking Kit diagonally from the top, because he was much taller than Kit. 

"What do you want?" Kit yelled pressing his teeth together because of the pain in his shoulders.

The guy in front of him spit on his face. "You are just a worthless piece of shit you know. You are never going to experience love. You are going to experience just pain and loneliness. Reason why you aren't going to get killed later in life, is just because you are too cute with your short legs and sweet dimples. But you know what, you should just do it yourself, instead of bothering others to do it." 

He spit on his face again, and gestured the other guy to follow him. The other one let go of Kit's shoulders and followed the other, bigger guy.

Kit collapsed on to the ground for a minute. He wanted to cry, but tears just wouldn't come out of his eyes. He stood up, got his back bag, that was now dirty and wet, and started to walk towards his house, not even bothering to wipe the spit off his face.

He was shocked. He felt bad. He didn't even want to eat. He wanted to be alone for a while in his own room.

Why is this happening? What is the meaning of this?

He had so many thoughts in his head. 

He only hoped that this would not be anything big and something continuing. 


So yeah, this is a little longer chapter...

Hope you guys like it!

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