thirty one

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Thirty one: Reconciliation?

Laurent's POV

Marcus and I left Annabel's place by 7:45, and headed to my mum's place. I had been on the road when I felt it already was a lost course and I should just turn around, but I had to keep faith and remind myself this is for Larry. I was doing this for Larry and it was enough to motivate me to keep going.

"How'd you feel?" Marcus asked from the driver's side.

"A bit relieved. We won Annabel over," I answered sincerely.

"Yeah. Annabel is a good woman. She has a good heart. Always has."

"I figured that out today. And I'm glad Larry doesn't have to worry about losing Latifah."

"Me too. That nigga has been through a lot. I can't wait for my man to be back." Obviously, Marcus missed the old Larry.

"He will be," I said, hopefully. "He will be."

It seemed like all the places that always seemed very long to get to became really close, because mum's house at the least was a 30 minutes drive, but doubt we were in the car for 15 minutes, because the next thing I knew, I was walking up to the porch.


Before Marcus could finish his sentence, I put my hand up and knocked on the door.

I gave Marcus a nervous look which he returned with a soft smile. I was dying inside with nervousness. I loved my mum a lot and I knew that this moment was going to break that love or make that feeling.

As much as I wanted to retract my steps, leave that place and never ever come back, I also knew Larry would never fully recover without mum, so I had to at least try. If not for anything, for Larry, for his happiness and the love I had for him.

So I knocked again, harder this time.

I could feel Marcus' fear emitting from his body also but it was now or never. Nothing could hold me back anymore I had to figure all my shit out and focus on other aspects of my life, those aspects that had built me up and shaped me to become the man I was - my dance and my fans.

My hand went to knock again but this time, Marcus held my arm. I turned to look at him.

A soft smile flashed on his face. "She already answered," My breathe hitched. "She's coming."

I let my eyes linger on Marcus as my lungs started to cave in. I wasn't even flying, why did it feel like I was going to die?

"Who is it?" Mum's voice called from the other side of the door.

My eyes shifted to the door and I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Mama B, it's Marcus."

"Oh, Marcus. So early," Keys jiggled from inside. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, mama. I just wanted to talk for a moment."

"Okay but you could have-"

The door flew open and I was face to face with my mum- the woman that had come to hate me for my heart's desire.

Her hand fell from the door frame and I saw her expression automatically change. My heart broke into shreds at how she looked at me- like I was a bad fruit in a bowl of freshly picked fruits.

"Mama B-"

"Marcus, you said you wanted to talk. What is he doing here?"

"Mama B, please just hear him out. Please."

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