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Author's POV

After Laurent had eaten the delicious breakfast his brother had prepared, he informed Larry to begin getting ready for his workshop, that he could take his time, while he too went inside.

Larry, knowing he had a little extra time to spare, went inside his room and began to prepare taking his time to touch every part. Two hours later, he was looking all swagged up and Larry-like, he nodded at his reflection in the closet mirror and then he went out into the living room.

"Laurent?" He called his brother, not seeing him around. "Laurent, you no finished yet?"

Not receiving any reply from Laurent, he decided maybe he wasn't the only fancy dresser (A/N: fancy dresser??) around and sat down to patiently wait for him.

Thirty minutes yet, and still no Laurent, Larry got up and headed for Laurent's room.

"Laurent? I coming in now," He twisted the handle and walked in.

The sight before him almost stopped his heart, Laurent was sprawled on the bed, fast asleep. Larry felt his blood boil as he marched up to shove Laurent off the bed.

"Oh, non! Non! Laurent, what's you problem?!" Larry yelled as he got to the bed.

Laurent just turned, grumbled a few nonsense before falling back asleep. As angry as Larry felt, because Laurent had specifically told him to go and prepare and by the time he was done they'd be ready to go and instead he was deep in sleep, he just stared at Laurent.

"As angry as I feel now, Laurent, you just so fucking cute," He sat by the edge of the bed and it took all of him to not reach over and stroke Laurent's face.

He swallowed hard befor slowly tapping Laurent, "Laurent, get up."

"U-uh?" Laurent slurred.

"Wake up. You workshop is gonna start anytime soon." He shoved Laurent a bit harder causing Laurent to stir awake.

Laurent's eyelashes batted a couple of times as his eyes fluttered open. "Larry?" He called as he sat up.

He yawned before looking down at Larry's outfit. Then he smiled, "You're ready," Larry looked away. "You look good."

"Why you no ready too?" Larry asked Laurent.

"Really?" Laurent chuckled. "And go through what I did yesterday? No, thanks."

Larry stared at Laurent, "Wait, what time is you workshop suppose to start?"

Laurent picked up his phone from his nightstand and powered the screen. "About one hour." Then he started getting up. "I'll start getting ready."


The Workshop had began and Larry sat on the floor at one end of the gym admiring everything his brother did. The way he interacted with the fans, the way he carried every single one of them along, it was no wonder his fans adored him to pieces.

Laurent had taught his fans a dance routine and was watching them come out in threes to perform it. He strolled over to where Larry was and sat beside him.

"I'm so tired," Laurent said, as he lay his head on Larry's shoulder.

Larry involuntarily gulped as he stared down at the way Laurent's long neck was stretched with droplets of sweat rolling down his wet body. His chiselled cheek was well structured all the way down to his chin and Larry wondered what it would be like to kiss every spot of his face. What it would be like to touch and feel every bit of Laurent, to explore every part hidden and seen. He wanted so much to be able to hold Laurent, to kiss him whenever he wanted, to cuddle with him, to make-

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