Recreant (CL)

156 9 2

Might contain grammatical errors.
So lonely.

These words suddenly popping up inside a teal haired girl's mind. Concurrently, she was sitting at the corner of the classroom, her phone on her hand. Her friend Aria and Lily were checking their test papers in Basic Calculus and General Mathematics, a task that was also given to Miku. Though she managed to escape from the work by saying that she had no ball pen. Plus, she was feeling a little bit lazy. On the bright side, Miku was grateful that she doesn't have take the examination for the second time since she passed.

Miku swallowed deeply. There was nothing to do at the moment. It was just 4p.m and they will be dismissed an hour after. Even so, it feels so long and a deep feeling of boredom was attacking her. To make it even worse, she was lonely.

So suddenly, an light bulb lit up into her imagination. She tapped through the "Photos" of her phone and began playing videos. She absolutely love reminiscing and thus here she was now, back-reading her and her pink haired princess' conversation.

It was enchanting. Every time she rereads the texts, it seems like it was the first time she received it. Miku felt her heart melting. Megurine Luka, her girlfriend was attending her classes. And unfortunately, she'll only be available at the time that Miku will be dismissed.

Aw men

It has only been a month since they'v mom
My my got together and sadly for some parts, Miku was a bit afraid that her lover still doesn't believe her feelings. She was extremely confusing after all. How Miku and Luka got together? It was not romantic compared to those that what happens in movies. And Miku blames herself for that. Luka was 18 of age while she, just turned 17. So clearly, she had so many times where she couldn't even figure out herself, her feelings to be more specific. This results to her, baffling the pink haired regarding the matter.

Back when Luka confessed to her, Miku was truly unbelieving. There was nothing to like about her at all. She sucks mainly at everything.

To Miku, Luka was a blessing. She was her angel, dream girl, and any other things she could ask for. For this reason, she thinks that she doesn't deserve her sometimes. She was just so perfect.

Well, not completely perfect. Luka had her own flaws but that doesn't matter to Miku.

Taking a deep breath, her hand climbed up at the back of her neck. She wanted to give Luka something but she can't. She was so far.

Miku badly wants to have a date with the girl but there was just no way a 17 year old girl like her can manage to book a flight. And surely, her mother will kill her if she did.

Come to think of it, will she even be able to meet Luka with her full composure. The pink haired was too much of a goddess. Miku had always thought she would faint at the meeting.

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth as she begins to imagine.

Miku chose black pants, plain white running shoes, a white hoodie with a black shirt underneath for an outfit. She was the type of girl who can't picture herself in such light vibrant colors.

At the moment, she was walking her lover home. The sky was getting darker and as anxious as she was, Miku wanted Luka to get home safe. Their first date was about to come to its end.

They arrived at Luka's house. In truth, Miku was a little frightful that the pinkette's parents will get a sight of her. They were wildly strict.

"Thank you for today"

She heard Luka say and Miku was left speechless and dumbfounded.

Jeez. Should I kiss her?

She bobbed her head upwards as her eyes that had been sinking into the ground met Luka's cerulean blue ones.

A hard gulp.

"Y-yeah". That was all she could say and as far as she wanted more, she had no guts to do so. Miku took a step forward her lover and with her trembling hand, she cupped her cheeks gently. She stared into Luka's eyes and leisurely lick her lips.

Luka's eyelids dropped closed and that was it. Miku shut her eyes in a hard manner, a wave of nervousness continuously flowing beneath her skin. She began initiating closer contact towards her lover's lips. She could already feel her warm breathing.

Holy Mother of Cats I can't do it!

Miku shifted her position and pressed her lips softly against Luka's forehead instead.

"G-good night!"

The teal haired girl groaned silently as she ended her short fantasy. Assuredly, their first date would end like that.

She was such a coward.


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