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A pink haired girl was sitting with her girlfriend on the couch. It was just announced that the classes were suspended because of the heavy and hard storm. For this reason, the tealette who always go with her to school chose to stay than get wet on the way back to her own house.

Watching the TV, Miku teased as she poked her belly "Hey Megurine"

Luka who was extremely ticklish arched her back in surprise followed by a gasp. Moreover, she doesn't like being called by her last name and that made her glare even more deathly to the tealette.

Miku's grin only grew wider and she leaned in closer to her before once again, repeating the action. Luka hissed, "Stop that!" A chuckle before the she was poked once again and this time she managed to catch Miku's wrist. Luka grinned back at her and Miku smiled awkwardly, the corner of her lips twitching. "Will you stop it now?"

A moment passed before she regained her smirk and leaned in closer once more as she pressed her lips against Luka's. The other girl's eyes were still close but soon enough, she reciprocated kiss.

She felt her energy drain as the  kiss turned into that of a melting and passionating one. Her grip on Miku's loosen and that's when the sneaky tealette took the the opportunity to be freed. After doing so, she pulled away and licked her lips, "Did you enjoy that, Megurine?"

Luka breathed out, ignoring the girl. She rolled her eyes before darting it back to the television. She could hear Miku whined and could see that she was pouting.

A sigh escaped from the tealette's lips before she let herself lie on the pinkette's lap, using it as a pillow. "Let me rephrase that. Did you enjoy that," She pulled herself up as she hold on to Luka's neck before giving her a quick peck on the lips. "Baby?"

Anyway, this book is more centered on a scene unlike the other collection I wrote. Those are filled with one shots while this one is for a scene only. (Except for not right now Miku!)

My Megurine (Megurine x Miku)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon