Princess (HD)

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What can I do to make you feel beautiful?

Teal was having a conversation with her girlfriend about making her feel beautiful and the likes. Miku didn't quite understand why.Luka just won't believe her every time she compliments her looks. They have been together for five months. And Luka never did video calling with her.

They did sometimes, but it was only Miku who was showing herself.

Miku hated it, deeply. She just wasn't able to make her girlfriend feel beautiful.

Even so, when she looks at the bright side. It was quite a relief that Luka sends her a picture of herself once in a while.

Realizing that she haven't replied in the last seven minutes, Miku quickly typed a reply to her girlfriend.


Not even a minute when a response came. "Byyeee"

Miku's eyebrows met in confusion right immediately. "What? Whatwhat? What did I do?"

"You were too cute earlier. My heart couldn't handle it"

Despite the compliment, Miku felt even more lost. "When?"

"When you were singing"

Oh. The teal haired remembered that she sent her love a video of herself singing while she was playing the guitar. She was not good at singing, nor at playing the guitar. Still, she tried her best and sent the video. It took six shots for her to take the 30 seconds video.

Even so, was it really cute? "It was cute?"

She hoped that Luka would say yes. "Everything you do is cute"

Heat filled up her cheeks as she blushes. Darn you Megurine Luka! When did you become so cheesy? She thought. Feeling too embarrassed but not wanting the girl to know about it, she replied. "But you're cuter"

"You need to stop"

Miku's expression fell. "I need to stop?"

"You need to stop saying that I'm cute"

So that was it. Miku smiled. They were on it even though they went over the topic almost a hundred times before. "But you're so cute and fluffy"

Just thinking of Luka's chubby cheeks can make the tealette so eager into pinching them.

"I love you"

That was sudden. But Miku wasn't complaining. She really love unexpected I love you's, only if it was from the pinkette though. "I love you most though"

"I'm lucky haha"

Miku tilted her head in confusion. "Lucky?"

"I'm lucky that you're mine"

My gosh Megurine Luka! What have you eaten today? Questions such as these began forming in Miku's head.

All she was able to reply was, "Cool"

She turns speechless every time she feels flattered.

"Have I made you smile today?"

Miku wanted to reply that she lost count. But then Luka might not get it. She's dumb sometimes. "Too many times <3"

"That's good I like making you smile"

"I like seeing you smile" The expression she was wearing grew brighter.

"But I look like a potato. Not a good potato that makes good french fries"

There they go again. Luka was then again self-shaming herself. But Miku will always be there to make her feel better. "I love potatoes"

"Oh. You don't like strawberries right? I look like a strawberry"

Nice try Luka. "Strawberries are beautiful. Its just the taste that I don't like"

"I look like a donkey"

Miku didn't get it at first. Why would Luka say that she look like donkey. Aren't donkeys cute? She questioned herself while thinking of the donkey from Shrek. He was such an adorable donkey. "I love donkeys"

"I look like a toad"

Oh. Okay. Miku had it. A potato was okay. Strawberry was fine. A donkey was ultra fine. But a toad? No. "Ew. No."

Another message as she expresses her disgust. "Seriously, ugh. I hate those"

"Whaaat? I used to catch lots of them. My mom wouldn't let me keep one as a pet though"

A toad for a pet? No. Just, no. "They're gross"

"Why do you say that?"

"I hate them"

"If you kiss one it might turn into a prince ;)*

Miku faked a laugh. But a few seconds after, she dimpled. "I don't need a prince. I have you"

My Megurine (Megurine x Miku)Where stories live. Discover now