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Concepts belong to their rightful owners ^^
Boys. She hated them. All she did was give the love that she had to offer. But she doesn't understand why she wasn't able to receive the same thing in return.

A blonde curled up like a ball on her room. She was a mess. It felt like it would flood anytime in her room for the reason that she have been shedding all the tears she could offer. Kagamine Rin had been cheated on by her first love. Not in the least did she expect that love could be so cruel. From what her mother Meiko told her, love was all so sweet and wonderful.

But this, the utter mess of being hurt by someone that you truly cared for. Getting broken by someone that you lend your heart... it was not sweet.

In spite of feeling unlucky in love, Rin was grateful that she had friends. They stayed the night with her so they could sympathize and not suffer the pain alone. In the room with the colour of bright sunset, Miku and Luka was sitting beside their broken friend.

Miku, was a girl with the hair of a rare colour, cyan. She had the eyes that was shaded with that of freshly cut grass. All the while, Luka had rosy pink locks and eyes that could remind anyone about the beauty of the sky. These two were love experts. They've been broken too so they had the perks to understand how to understand how Rin was feeling.

But one surprising thing about this pair was that it was them who broke each other once. On the bright side, they managed to get through the problem and rectify their mistakes.

Sobbing, Rin darted her eyes at the teal haired and questioned. "How do you get over someone?"

Miku stroked her chin, looking serious as she thought of an answer. A moment came and she spoke, Pink and Blonde gazing at her for the much awaited answer. "Get under someone else"

A long silence.

Her lips rose up for a grin. Luka punched the teal haired shoulder earning a groan from her as she fell on soft mattress dramatically. The pink haired girl shifted to Rin and reminded. "Don't ever listen to her"

Tea party was never fun for Miku. She was an adventurous girl who likes being challenged. A girl who would even try a risky business even if it'll cost her life. If its fun then it was always a go-go in her bucket list.

And this, tea party was boring, really. Concurrently, she was surrounded by SeeU, Luka, Rin and Yukari. These girls like doing stuffs like going to mixers, buying make ups and window shopping.


Miku let herself sank against the sofa. She wanted to escape from this but her girlfriend Luka will kill her. She was the one who brought her into this anyway. Miku was head over heels for her lover and would only say no sometimes. Why? Luka doesn't like that word very much

"Hey Miku" SeeU who had just placed her cup carefully on the table called out to the tealette with a smile.

Not really paying much attention to the blonde, Miku continued to relax herself. "Hmm?"

A grin. "Didn't we go date once or twice?"

That was one of the list of things she didn't want to talk about. Luka still wasn't aware of the fact Miku and SeeU went out once. Even so, there was not much to worry about since that one time were years back; when Miku and Luka still wasn't dating.

Her eyes not set on SeeU as if showing nonchalance, Miku replied. "Once. I don't make the same mistake twice"

Luka accidentally spitted out her tea.


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