The Hero dies in this one

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I ran my hand through Tar's hair as she curled into me, watching the TV. I could hear my mum in the kitchen making coffee and the warm smell of cinnamon buns in the oven invaded the room.

I sighed, it was good to be home.

Tar and I had driven the rest of the way home a few days ago. We had talked constantly and when I pulled into my Mum's driveway, Tar smiled broadly at me.

Mum had been so happy to see us, her and Tar had spent hours talking about Tar's art and how my Dad seemed to be enjoying the art therapy classes that Mum had organised for him.

Mum had left to go to work and that night, Tar and I made love. Afterwards, she slept tucked into me, her thick curls splayed across my chest. I don't think I'd ever felt this happy.

Tar chuckled softly as she heard my Mum burst into the room with a tray of coffee and buns. I dropped a kiss on her head and handed her a cup of coffee then sat back listening to Mum talk about her work.

"So in a nutshell, they want me to become a lecturer too!" Mum laughed. "Who would have thought it?"

Tar smiled at her, "Rose, you are so smart. You definitely need to pass it on. Felix will be so proud of you."

Mum grinned at us, "I think I will!"

She took a large bite of her cinnamon bun then chewed thoughtfully.

"I wonder if I can get scrubs that say lecturer/consultant on the back?"

Tar burst out laughing and I grinned at my Mum. She never ceased to make me laugh.

The doorbell rang and Mum stood up.

"I'll get it, you finish your coffee." I stood up and walked out the room. I closed the door behind me so as not to let the cold winter wind in.

I felt the the small box in my pocket that I was going to give Tar. This time I'd ask her, I'd ask her if she wanted to live with me and then, I smiled to myself, and then I'm going to marry her.

I opened the door and looked at the small frame wrapped up in a thick scarf and coat. I could barely see their face.

"Hi. Can I help?" I asked.

The person scoffed then pulled their scarf down so I could see the anger and hate that was etched into their face.

"Sarah? What are you doing here?" I subconsciously took a step back as she smiled at me, her lips pulled back tight across the snarl.

She moved quickly towards me and I felt white hot pain spread across my stomach. Jabs of fire spread all over my torso and chest and I couldn't stop the large groan that burst out of me.

"You fucker," she hissed in my ear then she pushed me.

I fell back on the floor and tried to pull myself up. She stared down at me and stepped forward. I heard the living room door open and Tar stepped out.


I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach. I tried to crawl to her, to warn her but as I saw her grey eyes widen at me in horror. I felt a thick, cold blanket drag over me and I couldn't stop my eyes closing.



It was the groan then the thud on the floor. Rose and I looked at each other with confusion. I got up quickly and moved to the door.

"Zeke?" I heard him groan as I walked into the hall and I saw him lying on his stomach, reaching out for me and then his eyes close.

The hallway was covered in thick red blood, I saw a puddle form around Zeke's fallen frame.

"ROSE!" I screamed and then I was skidding to my knees in the blood, trying to push Zeke onto his back. To get him to open his eyes so I could know he was ok.

I heard a small scoff of derision and looked up toward the door. Sarah stood there, a wickedly sharp knife in her right hand and a horrible grin on her face.

I felt a presence beside me and heard Rose's panicked whispers to Zeke.

"Ok son, on your back. Oooffftttt. There we go. Now let's see, well that's this tshirt ruined. I've called an ambulance now let me fix you, let me fix you."

I heard fabric ripping behind as I stood up and faced Sarah.

"What the fuck have you done?" I whispered, full of anger.

Sarah threw her head back and laughed. Her eyes were wild and unseeing. She stepped towards me. I felt the anger burst out of my chest and I ran at her, roaring, then I punched her square on the mouth and pushed, pushed her out the door. I closed it and locked it. I could hear her kicking it and screaming in rage.

"Tar! I need help please."

Rose was at Zeke, trying to stop the bleeding. I ran over and pressed my hands onto the padding covering the wounds.

Rose continued to whisper quietly as she worked and I watched as Zeke's body grew colder.

"Zeke don't leave me. Please don't leave. I love you." I repeated, like a chant.

I felt the blood ooze through the padding and onto my hands.

"Zeke don't. You'll be ok. Come on. Open your eyes. Zeke. Zeke."

I heard Rose hiss in anger and saw her fingers fluttering at his neck. She looked at me with her eyes full of horror and sadness.

"Tar..." she trailed off, then she was on her knees. She leant over Zeke and began to do steady chest compressions, over and over.

We stayed like that. Rose working on his heart. Me putting every ounce of strength I had into pushing on the padding, on stopping the bleeding that continued to run out of Zeke's stomach and legs.

It was as if time stood still, then I heard the door in the kitchen burst open and the paramedics run through. Rose barked orders at them and I stayed there pushing. Pushing. Pushing.

"Zeke, don't leave. Don't leave."

The paramedics and Rose lifted Zeke onto a stretcher. Rose was putting patches on his chest and a paramedic was sliding a tube into his mouth.

"Done. GO!"

I scrabbled to open the door, saw Sarah getting escorted into the back of a police car, I followed Zeke then Rose turned and placed her blood stained hand on my cheek.

"I'll go. Let me go. You need to talk to the police. I'll see you at the hospital."

She kissed my cheek and I stared as I saw Zeke being lifted into the ambulance. I scrabbled forward and kissed his forehead.

"Don't leave me. I love you," I whispered in his ear.

I climbed out and watched as the ambulance sped away carrying the only man I'll ever love.

I stood in the cold, feeling the rain on my face and watched the flashing lights of the police car decorate the front of Zeke and Rose's home.



Hi guys,thanks for reading the latest chapter of Brick Girl. Please vote if you like and leave comments. I'd love to know what you think!✨✨

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