Time to tell the truth

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Tar had woken up about 12 hours later. She didn't speak, she just stared at the ceiling. I had managed to get her to take a few sips of water but then she closed her eyes and was soon asleep again.

She had been like this for 3 days now, I didn't leave her but there was times when I don't even think she knew I was there.

Mum walked in, Tar was asleep.

"How is she?" She whispered.

"Not much change," I replied and squeezed Tar's hand softly.

"Zeke, go home."

"No. Mum, I promised her," I began to say.

Mum raised her hands, "Zeke, with all the love in the world, you stink."

I snorted with laughter.

"I'll stay with Tara.I'm off today. Go and get some clean clothes, eat and get some things for Tara. I'll call you if  anything changes."

I looked at Tara. I didn't want to leave her. I rubbed my face with my hand. I could get her some clothes and her sketchbook were in my car.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek , "I'll be as quick as I can."

I hugged Mum and walked to the door.

"Yeah Mum?"
"Burn those clothes."

I laughed and headed to the car.


I drove home, quickly showered and threw on some clothes. I drove to Tar's and looked in her bag for her keys. Why do girls keep so much stuff in their bags? Tar didn't have the usual makeup things instead there was pens,pencils and sketchbooks. I found her keys then spotted a crumpled bit of paper.

I smoothed it out and saw a portrait of a man. It was a rough sketch but he looked happy. I wondered who it was. I put it back in the bag and walked up the stairs to Tar's flat.

The flat seemed cold and unwelcoming. I hoped it had been nicer when Tar and her Mum were here.

My phone rang, I grabbed it quickly and answered it.

"Zeke,mate, are you ok?"
I rolled my eyes, "Max. This isn't a good time."
"I've barely seen you mate! What's going on?"
"Tar's not well so I'm with her just now."
"Tar?" I heard the confusion in Max's voice.
"Yeah. Tar," I opened Tar's bedroom door and breathed in the smell of peach shampoo.
"Tubby Tar? Are you fucking serious?"
I stopped, "Max. Don't fucking call her that."
"Oh come on! Mate, what about Caitlin? She likes you! And she's hot! I barely recognised her from school." Max was incredulous.
I took a deep breath, "No. Tar's my girlfriend,Max. I'm hanging up before I say something I regret."

I ended the call and sighed with exasperation. Seriously Max? I picked some clothes for Tar, grabbed her toothbrush and shampoo then headed to the door.

My phone rang again.

"I swear to god, Max, leave it alone.."
"Zeke, honey, it's Mum."
"Mum! Is it Tar? Is she ok?"
"She's awake sweetie and asking for you."
"Be there in ten." I hung up and raced down to the car.



I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I felt the tears fill my eyes and run down silently. My Mum was gone. I was alone. She had died hating me. I had taken her away from her only love and her drink.

I felt someone squeeze my hand, I turned expecting to see Zeke but it was Rose.

"Tara, darling!" Rose squeezed my hand, stood and brought me into a warm hug. I raised my arms and hugged her back.

She was warm and smelt of vanilla. I couldn't remember the last time my Mum hugged me. I started to cry again.

"Shush shush, it's ok," Rose stroked my hair and rocked me back and forth as if I was a baby. I held onto her and wept as if my heart was breaking. It probably was.

I cried for myself, for my dad and for my mum. I cried for all the anger and pain she'd put me through. I cried for the days of hunger and fear. Rose held me, not saying a word, she just stroked my hair.

Soon I stopped, "Rose, I'm so sorry."
"Don't say sorry,darling.Its all going to be ok."
I smiled at her optimism.
"Would you like some water?"
I nodded.

Rose helped me sit up and brought me some water.

"Thanks," I sipped the cold water.
"I sent Zeke for a shower. You'll thank me for that."
I chuckled.
"Shall I call him?"
"Yes please," I drank some more water.

Rose patted my cheek, "I'll call him now."
She picked up her phone and left the room.

I slid out the bed and used the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I didn't recognise myself. My eyes were in hollows, my skin looked drawn, I was bruised from the IV. I closed my eyes and brushed my hair back into a knot. I splashed some cold water on my face. I was drying my face when Rose came back in.

"Oh you're up!" She smiled. "Zeke, will be back shortly."
"Thank you," I replied and walked back to the bed. I sat on the end and looked at Rose.

"Do you want to talk?" Rose asked, sitting down next to me.
"Can you tell me about Mum?" I asked.
"Of course.Tara, your Mum hadn't been well for a long time. Her liver was failing and she was starting to retain fluid around her stomach. We were examining her stomach when she started to bleed. Due to her constant alcohol use, there was copious tears in her throat and stomach and we just couldn't stop the bleeding ."
I nodded, "Thank you for looking after her,Rose."

Rose was silent.

"Tara, we need to talk about what happened after you collapsed. You are malnourished and are covered in bruises. You have old breaks on your arms and ribs that don't seem to have been seen by a doctor.Was someone hurting you?"

I stared at the hospital floor, taking in the sounds of the ward and the nurses. I heard rushed footsteps and the door to my room open.


My heart jumped. He looked so worried but then he saw me on the edge of the bed and grinned beautifully. I felt warmth spread throughout me.

"Tar!" He was at my side in seconds. He held my head in his hands and put his forehead against mine.

"Are you ok?" He asked. His eyes were full of concern.

I looked back at him, "I am now."

He kissed me gently.

Rose coughed slightly. Zeke smiled sheepishly and pulled away.

"Tara and I were just talking about what happened," Rose told Zeke.

Zeke sat next to me and threaded his fingers between mine.

"I was asking Tara if someone was hurting her."

I looked at Zeke. I owed it to him. I needed to tell the truth.

I swallowed hard, "Yes. It was my Mum."

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