Bones to Liquid

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I sat on the steps of the gallery and took a large gulp of coffee. The show had ended in the early hours but I'd barely slept. I watched the sun rise, changed into my jeans and hoodie then walked quickly to the gallery. I had sold a few of my pictures and I wanted to package them. I wanted to get out of London as soon as possible.

I leaned against the door and sighed. I couldn't believe that I'd seen Zeke. And his new girlfriend. My stomach dropped and a wave of nausea surged. I needed to get back to Scotland.

Marty, the gallery owner, opened the door and waved me in. We chatted for a while then he headed out to see a new artists work in his studio. I closed the door behind him and began to wrap my pictures.

The silence was deafening. All I could hear was Zeke saying his name, shaking my hand. Holding Sarah's hand. I found some music on my phone and played it loudly. I needed to drown out my thoughts.

"Don't Wait" by Dashboard Confessional started to play and I tried to engross myself in the task.

"Tar?" A voice said behind me.

I shrieked and spun around on my heel, managing to catch my other foot in the packaging and landed on my back surrounded by bubble wrap.

It was Zeke. Shit. I tried to clamber up but found my foot was wedged in the wooden boxes.He looked shocked and bemused.

"A little help?" I demanded, feeling vulnerable and annoyed at myself. I didn't want to look like this in front of him. Not when he looks as good as that and all I want to do is kiss him.

His lips twitched as he leaned forward, took my outstretched hand and pulled me up. I fell into his arms and against his firm chest. I could smell his aftershave, sandalwood and oak. He'd never changed it.

Zeke slid his hands down to my waist and chuckled, "Still a calamity, Tar?"

Keep it cool. Be natural. You can do this. Don't let him see how much you miss him.

"I just like you holding onto me," I blurted out.

Well done, Tar.

His hands stopped moving and I stepped back. I brushed off the bubble wrap and paper that was stuck to me and smoothed my hair down. He watched me closely.

I took another step back and started to wrap a picture.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you," Zeke said.


He sighed with exasperation, "Why? I wanted to see you Tar because I've done nothing except think of you for nearly a year! I've missed you like hell."

I stared down at the paper, "Where's Sarah?"


Zeke moved closer to me and touched my arm, "Tar."

I still loved the way he said my name.

I turned around and stared up into his dark eyes. All I wanted was him to hold me except he wasn't mine anymore.

"You should probably go. I have to get this done and I'm sure Sarah will be wondering where you are."

Zeke bristled, "Don't do this again, Tar. Are we going to just pretend we are strangers? That nothing we had mattered? It did. It means more to me than anything else."

He paced the gallery, "Your pictures. I know you still think of me otherwise why keep going back to these times when we were together?"

"We are not together anymore. Things have changed. You have a girlfriend." I said bluntly.

"She's not my.. she's my.." Zeke stuttered, searching for the words.

"I don't care, Zeke. She thinks you're her boyfriend and that's enough. It's ok to be with someone else. I just want you to be happy."

You can do this, Tar. Just keep the walls up. Brick by brick.

"Happy?" Zeke scoffed. "Happy?"

He was in front of me in seconds, his hands cupping my face, tilting it to him.

"Happy?" He murmured.

His lips crashed down onto mine and I felt my bones turn to liquid. He wound his hands through my hair and dotted kisses down my jaw line. I held tightly onto him and when he brought his lips back to mine, our kisses became heated. This was Zeke, this was my home, my..

I stopped and pushed him away. He stood, staring, a hungry look on his face. He reached out for me.

I shook my head once, "No. You need to leave."

"Tar?" Zeke looked confused.

"Please Zeke, just go."

He wasn't mine anymore. He was someone else's and I had no right to do what I had done.

"Tar, we need to talk."


"No?" He said incredulously.

I walked on shaking legs to the door and opened it, "I can't do this Zeke. Please go."

He shook his head and walked out the door, stopping at the doorway to look at me.

"Tar. It's always been you. It will always be you," Zeke whispered, reaching out to stroke my face. He walked down the stairs and into the street.

I shut the door behind him, flipped the sign to 'Closed', slid to the floor and sobbed my heart out.



I strode down the street and turned the corner into a side alley. I leant against the wall and took a deep breath. What the fuck had just happened?

I closed my eyes and thought of Tar. Her falling into the bubble wrap, trying to look angry and failing miserably. Her soft lips against mine. I opened my eyes, I was still in love with her. I frowned, why had Sarah said I was her boyfriend? We'd never talked about that.

I took my phone out my pocket and typed a message to Tar's number. I hoped she had the same one.

"Tar, we can't leave it like this. Please let me see you again." I hit send and hoped she'd get it.

I walked back out into the street and banged into a petite blonde.

"Ooft sorry!" I gasped.


It was Poppy. She squealed and hugged me, she was holding onto Simon who was carrying a huge amount of bags.

"How are you?" She asked. "We've just been shopping and we're heading to get Tar. Did you know she was showing some of her work at a gallery down the street?"

"I'm good. Yeah, I was at the opening yesterday. I only got back from the US a couple of days ago."

Poppy squealed again, "I've just had a great idea! Simon and I are taking Tar out tonight since I missed her birthday and you should come too! It'll be brilliant! We can all catch up!"

"Uh Poppy, I don't think that's such a good idea.."I began but Poppy gave me a stern look.

"Mate, just say yes or she'll annoy you until you do." Simon said helpfully.

"I mean, sure. I still have the same number. Just message me and I'll meet you wherever." I said.

Poppy's look softened, "Perfect. I'll send you a text later. Be ready for about 8."

Simon patted me on the shoulder in sympathy as Poppy bounded down the street towards the gallery.

I smiled back and headed towards the apartment that Sarah and I were staying in. We needed to have a talk.

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