Dizzy New Heights

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Poppy sipped her tea and watched me. I had explained everything that had happened and I'd just finished telling her that Mum used to hit me.

Her eyes filled with tears, "I should have noticed. Why didn't I notice?"

I reached out and held her hand, "I didn't want anyone to know. If someone is desperate enough to hide something they can do it well."

She squeezed my hand and smiled tearfully, "I love you, Tar. You can tell me anything."

My mind flashed to my Dad and the smiling picture. I couldn't tell her that.

"Who's going to help with your Mum's estate?" Poppy asked.

I took a gulp of coffee, "I don't know. I haven't even started to plan her funeral. Not many people will come."

"My Dad will help," Poppy's Dad was a prominent lawyer for a local company. "He can sort it all out if you want?"

"Thanks,that'd be great."

I looked around me, we were in the coffee shop opposite the college. I had made Zeke go to class, he had wanted to stay with me but I'd convinced him in the end. Poppy and I were sitting in big squashy sofas in the far corner of the shop. It was pretty busy but I was keeping my eye out for Zeke.

The door opened and a gust of cold autumnal wind blew in. I shivered and pulled my sleeves further down.

Poppy laughed, "Tar, you need new clothes. You're wearing a sack . Can I please take you shopping?"

Poppy's number one cure for anything. Heartbreak? Shopping.
Failed a test?Shopping.
Lost a limb? Shopping.

I nodded, "Ok,if you like."
Poppy whooped loudly, "Oh happy day!"

She pulled me to my feet and dragged me behind her, "So now you can tell me all about Zeke. And I mean ALL, like what's the size of his.."


"His feet! I was talking about his feet!"


I sent Zeke a quick text as Poppy manoeuvred through the clothes racks. She expertly picked up and discarded clothes like a seasoned professional. When it came to shopping I was clueless, my knowledge extended as far as jeans and hoodies.

"Right. Try all this on," Poppy handed me a mountain of clothes and pushed me into the dressing room.

I opened my mouth then closed it again. I knew better than to argue with her.


It was after 6 by the time I escaped the shopping centre. Poppy drove me back to Zeke's, gushing about the clothes we'd got.

"I wish you let me pay," I said awkwardly.

"Nope! My treat, you need spoiled and as your best friend I am the best person to do so. Plus you look hot!"

I glanced down at myself, I was wearing dark blue high waisted jeans, a dark green fitted jumper and black ankle boots. Poppy had decided I needed new underwear too so my boobs were pushed up to dizzy new heights. I felt different without my hoodie. I felt protected in it, it was like a second skin for me.

I hugged Poppy tight, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'll never know cause you're stuck with me." She pecked me on the cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow about meeting Dad."

I walked up the drive, carrying all my bags and tried to open the door. It was locked and the key Zeke had given me was in my bag.

I could barely feel my arms so I rested my head on the doorbell to make it ring.

Zeke opened it and burst out laughing, "Tar? Is that you under all those bags?"

"Help!" I squeaked.

Zeke chuckled and carried them in easily. I followed behind him.

"Poppy is a monster! I am never shopping again. Honestly, I don't know how she does it...Zeke?"

Zeke had turned around and was standing still. His eyes were difficult to read.



Tar had followed me into the house whilst I'd carried her mountain of shopping. I hadn't been able to see her until I turned and all normal thoughts flew right out my head.

She was wearing tight jeans and a top that fitted her perfectly. She had curves, I swallowed hard, really perfect curves. Her eyes were full of laughter and her hair was pulled up away from her face. Her cheeks and lips were flushed from the cold outside. I smiled, there was a small red mark on her forehead. She looked beautiful and she was mine.

"You look beautiful, Tar," my eyes scanned her again and again. My smile grew wider as she blushed. I moved over to her and placed a finger on the mark.

"What's this from?"

She looked puzzled, reaching up to touch the area then blushed again.

"My hands were full so I..." Her blush deepened, "I used my head to press the doorbell."

My mouth twitched. Tar looked at me boldly. She was standing there looking beautiful, making my heartbeat fast and my thoughts run away with themselves  and she used her head to press the doorbell.

I'd never felt this way about a girl. I'd never known a girl like her.

Tar burst out laughing, clapping her hands together loudly. I joined her and soon we were both wheezing with laughter.

"Is it...is it bad?" She spluttered, touching the mark.

I shook my head, unable to talk. Every time I thought I had it under control, I pictured her small frame weighed down with all those bags and head-butting the door bell to get help.I went off into peals of laughter.

"God, Tar, that's brilliant! I love.." I trailed off.

Tar stopped laughing and looked at me wide-eyed. I coughed and straightened my tshirt.

There was an awkward silence in the room. I knew how I felt. I just couldn't say it, not now, I was falling fast but I didn't want to scare her away.

"So, dinner?"

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