I promise I'll wait

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I woke up to find Tar still nestled in my arms. I kissed her gently and slid out of the bed. She murmured and rolled over. Her tshirt was rolled up and I saw bruises on her side. My hands clenched into tight fists. Who the fuck was hurting her?

I used the bathroom and headed back to Tar's room. She was still curled up in a little ball. She looked frail and tired. I covered her with the blankets and closed the door behind me.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, it was empty. Not even milk. I frowned and searched the rest of the cupboards. There was no food at all. When had Tar last had any food?

I checked I had my keys and slipped out the front door. There was a shop a couple of streets down and I was going to make Tar a feast.


I woke up and Zeke was gone. I rolled onto my back and sighed. He left. I didn't blame him, I must have freaked him out and I told him about my Mum. No wonder he left.

I sniffed and sat up. Someone was cooking. I shrugged on a hoodie and walked to the kitchen. I opened the door and stood there,jaw open.

Zeke was at the cooker frying bacon, it smelled lovely. There was pancakes on the table, chopped up fruit, sausages and buttered rolls. The kettle was boiling and I could smell coffee too. My heart jumped. It was so sweet.

Zeke was dancing along to music on his phone so he didn't hear me come in, he spun round and nearly fell when he saw me. He regained his posture and stood there awkwardly.

"Good moves," I grinned.

Zeke blushed and I smiled more. He was so gorgeous.

"I made you breakfast," Zeke gestured.

"Thank you," I said. "Did you buy all this for me?"

Zeke nodded, "It's my treat."

He pulled out the chair and motioned me forward. I sat down and he kissed my cheek.

"Eat up," he murmured in my ear. I shivered pleasantly.

Zeke poured me a coffee and sat opposite me. He grabbed some food and tucked in.

We ate in a comfortable silence. I hadn't realised how hungry I was. I couldn't remember the last time I'd eaten.

When I couldn't eat any more food, I leaned back and groaned. Zeke grinned.

"If I eat another thing, I'm going to explode!"

Zeke laughed and sipped his coffee. He watched me thoughtfully.

"What?" I hoped he wasn't going to bring up my Mum. It had been a moment of weakness to mention her.

"Do you have plans for today?" He asked.

"No," I said. Mum was getting more tests today so I wouldn't be able to see her.

"Good. Do you want to spend the day with me?"
"Yes, I'd love that," I replied.

Zeke stood and started to tidy the dishes away. I watched him.

"Where did you learn to cook like that?"

Zeke started washing the pots.

"My dad taught me."

I opened my mouth to say something then closed it again. Zeke spoke in the same cold tone when he mentioned his dad before. I didn't want to upset him.

I stood up and walked towards him. I pressed myself against his back and wrapped my arms around his stomach. I leant my head against his back and heard his breathing, steady and regular.

"Thanks for this,Zeke. It was lovely."

We stayed like this and I ran my fingers across his chest. He straightened up and I heard his heartbeat quicken. I kept trailing my fingers back and forth then in one sudden move, Zeke turned around. He lifted my chin and kissed me hard.

I slid my hands around his waist and pulled his tshirt up. I could feel all the taut muscles in his back. I opened my mouth and Zeke's tongue slid in to meet mine. He ran his hands down my back and pushed me against the kitchen table. I kissed him hard and tangled my hands up in his hair. He slid his hand under my top and ran his fingers along my hip bone.

I couldn't stop the soft moan I made. Every time he touched me I felt so alive. He tucked his fingers into the waistband of my jeans then took them away.

He broke away from me and rested his forehead on mine, his eyes shut tight and his breathing ragged.

"Zeke?" I whispered.
"Yeah?" He murmured, eyes still closed.
"Do you want to go to my bedroom?"

Zeke opened his eyes and stared at me. I could see all the flecks of green in his eyes. 

"Yeah I do."

I moved away and pulled his hand. He didn't move.


He looked at me, "Tar, you have no idea how much I want to follow you into your room. I really, really want to but I don't want to rush you and I don't want you to regret it."

I blushed. I wanted to be with Zeke but was I ready? I have never wanted anyone as much as I want him. What if he didn't want to wait?

He must have read my mind because he pulled me back to him and kissed me again.

"I'll wait," he whispered. "I promise I'll wait."

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