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He loved me.


I was a broken mess and he loved me.

We drove back to Zeke's house with his hand resting on my thigh. I smiled and looked out the window.

My phone beeped- Ian.

"Hi Ian."

"Tara, are you free to talk?"

"Sure what's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that your flat has been sold. I've got a few papers left for you to sign and then you will have a lump sum of money along with a regular monthly payment."

"Ok when are you free?"

"I'll be free in about 30 minutes if you can get here?"

"No problem see you soon."

I ended the call and looked at Zeke, "Could you take me to see Ian? I have papers to sign. My flat has sold."

Zeke nodded, "No problem babe."

I felt my thoughts drift away, my flat was sold. Where would I live? Maybe I should buy a new place where I can make nice memories instead of the terrible ones that creep up at night when I can't sleep.

Zeke must have read my mind, "You can stay with me as long as you want to."

I smiled, "Thank you. I might have to get a place though just to put all my art! It takes up a lot of space and I've got the exhibition at the end of term too."

Zeke laughed, "That sounds good, at least you could work in peace there."

We parked beside Ian's offices and we went in. Ian was waiting for me, he led us both in and we sat opposite him.

"So as you can see, all your belongings have been moved to a secured storage area. The flat has been sold and you've been left with a lump sum to use as you see it. What do you want to do?"

"I think I'd like to look at flats to buy," I said thoughtfully.

Ian nodded. I signed the papers and left with Zeke holding my hand.

I would never have to go back to that place ever again. I wouldn't get dragged down that corridor again. I wouldn't hear Mum stumble around searching for drink. I could have a normal life and a normal home.

I had forgotten what that felt like.



Tar was asleep on the couch, I crept out of the room and checked my phone. Poppy had sent me 6 messages, they were all about Tar's birthday. In four days she would be 20 and I was going to make sure that she had a brilliant birthday.

I sent Poppy a reply agreeing to her plans and opened my laptop. I found the site I was looking for and booked a couple of things. She would love this.

Tar padded into the room rubbing her eyes.
"Hi," she yawned.
I pulled her to me and kissed her.
"Hi," I replied. "Food?"
She stretched and yawned again.
"I need to go to college, I've got to do some work for the exhibition. I'll see you later?"
I kissed her again,"Sure. Make sure you eat something though."
"Will do." She gave me a cheeky salute and left the room.

I waited until I heard the door close then grabbed my keys. I needed to go shopping.



I'd managed to get a lot of work done. I stepped back and looked at the canvas critically. These pictures meant a lot to me and I wanted them to make the viewer see them and realise that.

I blended in a few hard lines then put down my charcoal. That was enough for today. I didn't want to overwork it. I checked my phone, it was nearly 11pm. I completely forget where I am when I start working.

I called Zeke, he answered quickly.

"Hi, I know it's late. I'm just about to leave," I picked up my bag and closed the door behind me. The art block was empty apart from me.

"I'll come get you, it's too late for you to walk back alone."

"Are you sure?"

"Course babe, see you soon."

I smiled and ended the call. I didn't know what I had done to deserve Zeke. I walked quickly out of the art building, pulling the main door closed behind me. A sharp,cold,winter wind blew through and kicked up the leaves. I shivered and sped up.

I reached the main college building and saw Zeke's car pull up, I headed over and climbed in.

"God its cold!" I put one hand on Zeke's warm cheek.

"Tar! You're freezing!" He pulled his head back.

I laughed and poked him gently in the side.

"Come on," he said as we drove away. "Lets go home and I'll think of a way to warm you up."

He flashed me a cheeky grin and my insides flipped.

Four Days Later

I yawned and rolled over to find Zeke wasn't in bed. I opened one eye and looked at the clock on his bedside table - 0500. Urgh. I pulled the covers over my head and wondered where Zeke was. That boy is never out of his bed earlier than he needed to be.

It was Friday and the college was closed for a long weekend. I had time to focus on my exhibition pieces and look for flats to buy. I could spend the day with Zeke, maybe go for a run.

It was also my birthday. I was 20. My Mum hadn't celebrated my birthday with me since Dad had gone, in fact it used to be one of the worst days of the year. I think it had reminded her that I was still living when the man she loved wasn't. I ran my hand down my left arm feeling a few hard bumps. She had broken my arm last year then refused to let me see a doctor. My arm had healed awkwardly. She had been trying to punish me for drawing.

I heard the door open and felt Zeke slide back into bed. I snuggled into him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Why are you awake?" I asked.

"Couldn't sleep," he replied, kissing the top of my head.

I ran my hand along his stomach and felt him shiver.

"Why not?"

"It's the girl I love's birthday today so I needed to do some things."

I jerked my head up, "How did you know...Poppy."

He grinned and kissed me hard, "She can't keep a secret. Happy Birthday Tar."

"Thank you." I kissed him back. "What have you been doing?"

He shook his head and smiled, "Not telling. You do need to get dressed though."

"Right now?"

"Yup. It's a surprise."

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