Extra Chapter: Surprise

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I'm sorry if I've got the calculations wrong but this is going to be set in March and around their 6 month anniversary

****Grace's POV****

It was coming up to mine and Dom's six month anniversary and things have gone back to normal since Love Island. We spent Christmas and New Year with my family in York but we did invite Dom's family up from Manchester to stay. He got me an amazing dress and a pair of shoes and I got him a new suit but we both chipped in for each other and got us our first holiday together along with our parents for January in Dubai along with his sister Lucy.

We flew out on the 25th January and our six month anniversary was on the 30th. We spent the first few says settling in before the day finally arrived. I woke up in our bed and found him already awake and looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I said and pulled the covers up over me.

"Just marvelling in your beauty." He said and wrapped his arm around me. "Happy anniversary baby."

"Happy anniversary. I can't believe it's been six months."

"I know but time flies bye when you're with someone like you. Anyway I've got you a present."

"I told you not to get me anything."

"Like you didn't get me something." He said and got off the bed and pulled out a gift bag. "It's something small but I thought you would like it."

I pulled out a little box from the bag and opened that to find another smaller box. This kept going until I came to a tiny box.

"I know you said small but this is..." I stopped as I opened the box fully and found a small key inside. "What's this?"

"This is a key to our own little house in York. I know you said that you'd move down but you have a business here and I want to be with you all the time."

"Babe...." I said as tears polled in m eyes. "This is the best thing anyone has given me."

We both sat in silence for a minute before I grabbed my present and sat it on his lap. I got him a notebook filled with all the memories we've gained in our time together.

"I think we should go and get ready for the day then."


We got ready for lunch together and I decided on a white crop top and my grey skirt. For some reason I wasn't feeling the greatest today but I didn't mention it. This has been going on quite a lot lately but I presumed it was nothing abnormal.

"Hey love birds." My mum said and gave me a massive hug. "Happy anniversary."

"Thank you."

I sat down next to her and Dom went and sat with his mum as our dads went off to order the food.

"Are you okay baby?" She whispered. "You look a bit peaky."

"I've been feeling awful all morning. But I don't want to make a fuss I'll be fine."

"Well if you feel any worse tell me. We don't have to go out tonight,"

"No I want to. We're going to get ready together and tonight's going to be perfect, I don't want to ruin that."

We sat taking for a bit before Dom's Mum talked to me over the table.

"Grace have you spoken to any of the others lately?"

"I went and saw Kem and Chris the other week when he was training. They seem to be getting better they've both had quite a hard time lately."

"How was the NTA's?"

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