The final

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****Grace's POV****

After Montana left I decided to go straight to bed and Dom followed me in. He could tell that I didn't want to talk so he just wrapped his arms around me and gave me a cuddle.

"I know it's stupid." I whispered to him. "I'm going to see her tomorrow."

"It's not stupid. You've been together for 6 weeks and you're also upset for her."

"I so wanted to be in the final with her but I can honestly say that the couples left are all very strong."

"Do you think we'll all last?" He asked.

"I'd like to think we'll last and I think Chris and Olivia will be much stronger when they have some space. I don't know about Camilla and Jamie though, they both have different aspirations in life."

"I can't believe this is one of our last days in the villa."

"Only two more sleeps and then we'll be out of here."


I woke up the next morning and Dom still had his arms around me. I went into the changing room and got changed into a black bikini and made my way out of the villa.

I found Chris by the pool and made my way over to him.

"Can't believe this is one of the last mornings in here." I said as I sat down. "What am I going to do when I can't wake up to see you every morning?"

"Haha. Who do you think is going to win?"

"You and Liv or Kem and Amber."

"You don't think you'll win then?" He asked.

"No. I just think we could still be one of the most hated coupled out there because of the Jess situation." I told him. "So that will significantly reduce our chances and then you two coupled have probably had many more ups and downs then us in these past couple of weeks."

"I wouldn't bet against you though. From what I've heard the public adore you"


I was making some lunch later that day when Chris got a text. "Islanders it's time to put your feet to the test as today you will be learning the tango for your prom."

"This is going to go horribly wrong with your two left feet." I told Dom. "Please try not to stand on me"

"I can't promise you anything."

Two instructors came in and tried to teach us the art of the tango, but to be honest we were all quite hopeless and just tried to make our own moves up.

"Grace you can't just throw your leg up at some random part." Dom shouted to me as I improvised. "You need to be a bit more elegant."

"This just isn't for me, I can barely walk in a straight line, let alone dance."


The dancers ended up leaving and we had a faint idea of what to do tonight. We had decided to have a lazy day when Liv got a text. "Girls today you will go dress shopping for the prom. Please get ready to leave the villa immediately."

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